Chapter 12: Release the Knowledge!

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Jessica sat in her makeshift cell, waiting for someone to hopefully talk to her in the morning. She tried to talk to the students, but Charlie refused to make eye contact, Sadie just glared at her and left, Lily wanted to talk to her to find out what was going on but Christine convinced her to not. Mikey tried to read Jessica's face to see if he could find something out that way, but he came out with nothing.

"Jessica?" A confused, familiar voice said to Jessica in the early hours of the morning.

"Five more minutes." Jessica complained, still asleep.

"Wake up!!!" The voice shouted.

"I'm up. I'm up. Now what do you- Kaitlin?!" Jessica said, now looking at the person.

"The one and only!" She happily replied, "Why are you in a cage?"

"Um... We're playing a game. Yeah a game!"

"Oh... Do you want me to let you out?" Kaitlin asked, not knowing why Jessica was really in there.

"Sure. It's better than waiting for someone to convince to show up." Jessica said, feeling bad that she had no other choice than to lie to Kaitlin.

Kaitlin happily let Jessica out of the cell, and looked at her in confusion.

"What are you wearing?"

"Um.. We made fake outfits to make fun of the BITD." Jessica quickly replied, remembering that she was wearing one of their uniforms.

Kaitlin simply accepted it and began to leave to wake up the others because why not.

"Wait. Before you go." Jessica said stopping the trainer, "Don't tell the others how I got out, it's part of the game."

Kaitlin nodded and told her not to worry about it because she would keep the secret. Or in Kaitlin speak, I'm going to tell the first person who asks me nicely.

Jessica thanked her and sprinted as quickly as she could out of the facility, not wanting to be caught again. Although, not going to the BITD is what she wants, but she heads back there anyway, hopefully going to find a way to stop this.

Meanwhile with Kaitlin, who was avoiding the other previous trainers like the plague. She casually wandered to the Mess Hall, where a meeting was being held like it usually was.

"HELLO EVERYONE!!!" Kaitlin shouted as she walked it, in her normal cheery voice.

"Kaitlin?!" Everyone shouted in shock, except Fluke and Richelle who wasn't there.

"Oh.. Am I disturbing something?"

"No. No. You're fine. Maybe you should listen in on this, we could use the advice." Evanz said.

"Sure! Fred and Greg should be stopping by here soon." Kaitlin replied, taking a seat at the table the benders were at. "So what did I miss while we were on vacation?"

Before the benders could even start telling Kaitlin what was all happening, Fluke slammed through the doors, followed shortly by Richelle.

"GUYS!! Jessica escaped!!!" Fluke shouted, catching his breath.

"WHAT!?!" Everyone but Kaitlin shouted in absolute confusion and shock.

"How could she have gotten out!?" Morgan asked.

"I let her out." Kaitlin replied, thinking there was nothing wrong.

"We have a backstabbing, murder supporting, BITD worker on the loose now!?" Rage shouted.

"I'm confused. She told me you guys were just playing a game." Kaitlin said, looking puzzled.

The benders sighed and Hollow spoke up, "A game to her maybe. Not to us."

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