Chapter 17.5: Recovery

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It's been about six months since the BITD's final phase was stopped by Alex's untimely death. The students recently went home for a vacation to visit their family and friends; Kyle and Charlie went to America, Sadie back to England, and Lily, Christine, and Mikey the Philippines. The trainers were busy trying to think of ways to improve the facility's defense. And the rest, well things weren't the best for them.

Rage and Hollow continued to supply daily videos, but it was clear to everyone, just by the sound of their voices, they weren't in the usual happy mood they had over six months ago. Fluke occasionally made videos, but he really didn't feel like it, he was busy trying to think of a way to fix things. Morgan and Richelle were more quiet than usual, mainly because Jessica wasn't her old self. No one was their old self. Jessica usually would spend the day chilling in the infirmary, next to the one and only Evanz.

Evanz has been unconscious for six months. It was evident that he was in a coma, and the cause of it was most definitely the sudden loss of the four elements he could bend. But since he wasn't awake, no one would know for sure if he lost his bending. The only way for anyone to find out is if a new Avatar just showed up.

But today was when things would look up for the benders. Today was the night of the blood moon, granted it wasn't the one that will grant anyone the ability to bend, but it was a blood moon nonetheless.

The day started out with a meeting started by Fluke., which wasn't a morning meeting, it was more like a evening meeting.

"Okay, so I think I figured out some things." Fluke said.

Everyone gave him the look of 'go on'. And go on was what Fluke did.

"I can confirm that we probably did lose our bending. This is because from my searches, I found this toxin, a toxin in which I cannot pronounce the name of, but it's a toxin that will, when injected into someone who can bend, cause the person's body to go into a slight state of shock. The shock causes the body to send a signal to the brain which caused the person the become drowsy. This will then result into a sleep like state which will cause the body to remove the toxin, along with the person's ability to bend." Fluke explained.

"So what you're saying is, that this toxin is like the Blood moon, but instead of giving someone the ability to bend, it takes it away." Morgan summarized.

"Yes. That's essentially it." Fluke said.

"What if we wouldn't have fallen asleep?" Rage asked.

"I looked into that as well. Apparently this toxin can only stay in the body for about an hour, two hours at the most. Meaning if the person injected with it, manages to stay awake. They will in theory get to keep their bending." Fluke explained. "But sadly this means I know nothing on how to get our bending back, or how to wake Evanz up..."

"Well, at least we can keep this in mind for if it ever shows up again." Richelle said, looking at the bright side of what Fluke was telling them. 

"Well, that's all I wanted to tell you guys. I figured I would tell you what I found out." Fluke stated. 

The others simply looked at him, with a hint of thankfulness, and a lot of confusion. They just shook it off as Fluke being Fluke. 

Since there was nothing else going on with the meeting, the benders wandered off in their separate directions. 

The guys wandered off to their rooms, while the girls wandered outside, under the late evening sky.

"Do you ever think that this all wouldn't have happened if we didn't wish on that stupid blood moon, back when we were sixteen?" Morgan wondered aloud. 

"Yeah.. Reese would still be alive.. Evanz... wouldn't still be in a coma.." Jessica sighed. 

"But we would have never got to have done all this stuff." Richelle commented, trying to keep the conversation from going down hill.

"Yeah. That is true. We would have probably never gotten the chance to meet the guys. Nor would we have had the ability to bend." Morgan said, taking the side of Richelle. 

"Do you guys remember when Morgan drug us up that hill? Then the next day I ending up nearly burning the school down?" Jessica said, thinking about the past. 

"Yeah. And how you brought the 'cops' to my doorstep?" Richelle added.

"We made Fred's life so difficult." Morgan laughed. 

"Those were the good old days.." Jessica sighed. 

"You know.. I think I may know of a way to get that all back." Morgan mumbled. 

"What? How?" Richelle asked, not knowing what her friend may be thinking.

"Look up at the sky." Morgan said. 

Richelle and Jessica looked up to see a faint red moon, dimly lighting up the sky. 

"Yeah, it's a Blood moon. What about it?" Jessica asked. 

"I was thinking, if a certain Blood moon can give us the ability to bend, by essentially wishing for it, then maybe there is one that simply grants wishes." Morgan explained. 

"But what would we wish for?" Richelle asked. "It's not like it can bring people back from the dead." 

"I know. That's why I was thinking about this certain wish." Morgan replied. 

Jessica gave Morgan a look of 'tell us'. 

"What would happen if we took back all that has happened?" Morgan asked. 

"Wait. You plan on asking the Blood moon is we can take all that has happened back? That would mean the BITD would come back. Timothy, Alex, everyone else who worked there." Jessica stated. 

"No, what I'm going to ask for is for none of this to have ever happened. Which should mean, that it'll go back to when we got our bending, and nothing will be different in the future, like Reese is still going to be stabbed, and etc. But what I'm thinking is, that the stuff that has happened in our past will come again if the wish takes us back, but nothing will be quite the same." Morgan said, in a slightly excited tone.

Richelle and Jessica just looked at their friend like she was absolutely insane. 

"So what's the purpose of traveling back?" Richelle asked. 

"We can change the future a bit. Prevent Reese's death, along with all of those times where the BITD traumatized us." Morgan explained. 

"You know, to be honest here, this is the best shot we have at fixing things. I don't want Evanz to be stuck in a coma forever, nor do I want Charlie to be an emotional wreck for the rest of his life." Jessica said. "So maybe we should make the wish. I mean what have we got to lose?" 

"I'll have to agree. It's the only plan we have, and we aren't prepared for any attacks that may come our way from the BITD. So our best chances of keeping this place safe is for us to make this wish and hope that it works." Richelle added. 

Morgan looked at her two friends with pure happiness in her eyes. 

"Well what are we waiting for?" Jessica asked. 

"Go make our wish Morgan." Richelle said. 

Morgan nodded and began thinking over what she wanted to say. Once she was sure of their wish she grabbed the hands of her friends. 

"Blood moon. We wish for none of this to have happened. We want things to go back to when we were just asking for our bending abilities. We want things to be normal again!" Morgan shouted. 

The Morgan released her friends' hands and looked at them, hoping that this would have worked. 

"Do you think that it worked." Jessica asked. 

"Guys.." Richelle said after a yawn. "I think it worked.." 

With that final comment, the girls fell asleep one by one. Meaning that their wish was a success. But what exactly happened because of the wish? Is everything back to what it was, or has change occurred?

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