Chapter 7: All the Knowledge

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The day after the benders were kicked out and banned from the bender amusement park, and after Reese and Charlie found out what happened, the students took this break day to test themselves. The plan originated in the girls dorm.

"The board says that today is a break day." Lily said, walking back in the dorm.

"What should we do then?" Christine asked.

"Let's test ourselves." Sadie said, still looking at her phone.

"What do you mean?" Lily questioned.

"I mean. Let's test and see if we can actually do anything. You know, like lightning bend, metal bend, heal, the stuff from the show." Sadie explained.

"That's a great idea!!!" Lily shouted, running over to hug the unsuspecting girl.

"Um... Lily, why don't you go tell the guys of the plan?" Christine suggested, trying to help Sadie.


The two girls watched as Lily darted out of the dorm, and straight to pounding on the guys' door.

"Hey.. Do you ever get the feeling like your forgetting something, but you can't quiet remember what?" Sadie asked Christine as the two were walking to the large dojo, since they didn't feel like waiting for Lily to explain things.

"Actually, yeah... I do. I've had that feeling since the blood moon..." Christine mumbled.

"You think it has something to do with it?"

"Do with what?" Lily asked, suddenly appearing. "The guys are coming, once they get ready."

"We're thinking the blood moon has something to do with our memory loss." Sadie explained.

"Hmm. We can look into that later. Right now, how about we get started in these property things."

"It's better if we wait for the guys, they'll want to hear what to do too." Sadie said, going back to looking at her phone.

"Lily.. Do you ever feel like you've known our teachers before we met them." Christine asked, trying to pass time waiting for the guys to show up.

"Hmm. Sorta. It's like I know them but I don't..." Lily replied.

"Maybe you watched their videos or something." Sadie suggested. "I mean if you think about it, they call each other by their nicknames, and if you look those names up, it directs me to YouTube."

"Come on Mikey! What's up with the drawings?" Reese bugged Mikey as the guys walked into the dojo.

"Like I've told you before, that book isn't mine! It's Christine's, she's the one who loves to draw." Mikey replied, hoping to get Reese to stop.

"Christine!? What's up with all these drawings of YouTubers?" Reese asked, shoving the sketch book at Christine.

"So this is where my book went?" Christine said looking through it. "Um.. Guys? I don't remember drawing any of these people."

"Well there we go, we found out what memory the blood moon messed with. You three probably forgot about some YouTubers you watched." Sadie said.

"All three of us?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know, I guess since you were at the same place."

"Makes sense. But let's stop talking about memories, let's get some training done!" Charlie said enthusiastically.

"Sadie where do we start since you seem to be the Avatar expert?" Lily asked changing the subject.

"Um... I guess water properties, this way if Christine is a healer then, well, if any of us gets hurt, she can fix us." Sadie said.

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