Chapter 10: Phase Two

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The next morning the trainers awoke, in a not so familiar place, at least for most of them. Evanz was actually the first to wake up. When his eyes adjusted to his slightly dark room, his heart sank. All he could see, where stone walls, a stone floor, and all of the other trainers chained to the wall like him.

Hollow being one of the people next to Evanz, was the first to receive a slightly rude awakening.

"HOLLOW!!! WAKE UP!!" Evanz whisper-shouted, as he air bended a gust of wind at Hollow.

"I'm awake!" Hollow replied, not actually opening his eyes. "Evanz, I don't know what you want, but get out of my room."

"Sorry, I can't. We kind of share a room at the moment."

That remark was enough to cause Hollow to become wide awake.

"Everyone! WAKE UP!! NOW!!!!" Hollow shouted as soon as he processed the layout of the room.

The other benders, began to grumble to themselves as they woke up. Most of them were too surprised at the room to even talk, except Jessica, she wasn't too surprised at the room layout.

"At least they made the chains a little longer.." Jessica said, shrugging her shoulders.

The other benders, except Evanz, were now trying to break the chains keeping them connected to the wall. Both Evanz and Jessica sighed, and explained to the others that there was no way to break out of them, apparently the BITD had the technology to make things bending proof.

"How could the BITD even kidnap all of us without anyone noticing? You would think at least one of us would have woken up." Fluke said to himself.

"To answer your question, it's simple. We have ways to keep you out cold." A voice from seemingly nowhere said.

"Who said that?!" Rage questioned, using his blind powers to see if he can locate the person.

"I did." A person said as he walked into the room with the benders, smirking as he looked at the seven benders.

"What do you even want?!" Hollow snapped, trying to fire bend at the guy.

The guy simply moved out of the way of the oncoming flame. And replied to Hollow's question with, "It's simple. What we want is to ask a question, and start phase two. That's it."

"That's it? Why do I find it hard to believe?" Morgan said, slight venom in her voice.

The guy just glared at her, then smirked as he glanced at each one of the benders one by one. Going in order from how they were chained to the wall; Fluke, Morgan, Hollow, Evanz, Jessica, Rage, Richelle.

"Well benders, since today is your first day here, I'll go easy on you." The guy said, looking directly at Evanz. "So I have one question for you Evanz."

"Don't think I'll answer it." Evanz replied plainly.

"Wow. Rude-"

"Rude? You have us chained to a wall?" Fluke mumbled.

"Evanz," The guy said, completely ignoring Fluke's statement. "How would you like to leave this place, along with all of your friends?"

"I would love to leave, but I know you want something from me in return." Evanz replied, still having no emotion in his voice.

"You got that right. I'll ask you gently today... How about you join us - the BITD - in exchange for your freedom, your friends' freedom included?" The guy asked like it was the world's most simplest question.

"What?! No!! I would never join your side!!" Evanz quickly replied, gaining him the nods from the others.

"Not today? Okay. I'll ask again tomorrow." The guy said, as he left the room.

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