Chapter 8: Did that Actually Happen?

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The next day the students woke up slightly earlier than usual, excited to hear what their trainers wanted to tell them. Christine and Reese were the two to check the bulletin board to see where they were heading.

For today's activity, the schedule will go as follows: First, you will head to your normal dojos for normal training. Second, when we felt like you've had enough, head to the large dojo for a meeting. (Because learning things is fun, right?) That's the schedule for the day, see you people when you show up.
-Signed, Your Trainers.

Reese and Christine went to tell the others of what the day's plans were. Once everyone was sure what to do, they parted ways to head to the dojos.

Lily was one of the first to reach her dojo. Well, first student, Hollow was already there. Reading a book whilst he waited.

"Is Reese joining us?" Hollow asked, only looking up from his book for a brief second.

"He should. Eventually." Lily replied.

"Well, how about before him and Jessica show up, I show you how to properly lightning bend?"

Lily happily accepted his offer, and began to show him what she can do already. After about an hour, Lily showed him all she could, and received an abundance of advice.

"Well done, Lily." Hollow praised.

"Thanks.. Hey when is everyone else going to show up?" Lily replied.

"I was just about to ask you..." Hollow muttered, then soon added, "This better not like the last time when she didn't show up."

"Is something wrong?"

"I hope not. Let's just go find Jessica, who is way too lazy for her own good."

So Hollow and Lily began to make their way out of the dojo to go look for missing Reese and Jessica. However they didn't quite make it to the door when one of the people they were looking for barged in.

"Please tell me Reese is here!!!" Jessica shouted, looking paler than she could possibly ever be.

"He's not here.." Hollow told her, concern filling his voice. "Why?"

"FUDGE EVERYTHING!!! Gather everyone else!! Meet me by the edge of the forest! Emergency meeting!!" Jessica quickly barked as she darted out of the fire dojo.

"Lily. Go tell the water benders Jessica is holding an emergency meeting." Hollow instructed as he ran out of the dojo as well.

Lily followed the order, sensing that there was something gravely wrong. So she went to tell Fluke, Morgan, and Christine sort of what was going on. Hollow ran to tell Rage, Richelle, and the two students the same thing. And Jessica forced Evanz and Sadie to follow her without telling them a thing.

Soon all of the benders were where Jessica instructed them to be.

"Jessica. What is going on?" Richelle asked, knowing her friend would never run that much without a proper reason.

"Before I explain anything. Has anyone of you seen Reese?" Jessica asked.

All of the trainers shook their heads 'no', while the students who were eavesdropping on the situation, also shook their heads.

"Fudge..." Jessica muttered, pacing back an forth. "Okay. It's best we find him right away."

"What is happening?!" Fluke suddenly shouted, not taking the suspense.

"Okay. I saw one of them. One of them, with Reese." Jessica explained, emphasizing each of the 'them's.

"You don't mean-" Rage began to ask.

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