A Continuation!?

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Hello there you awesome people! I bring you this update for quite the reason...

*clears throat* THERE IS A CONTINUATION IN THE CREW BENDING SERIES!! Yup, your eyes haven't deceived you. A certain BowserJr22 was awesome enough to continue this tale and add their own spin on it.

So for all of you who wanted more of the series, go find the book! I read a bit of it, and I'm sold. So go! Stop reading this and go!

Book Info So You Can Find It:
Author: BowserJr22
Title: Crew Bending: The Final Chapter
Cover: *see media spot*

So, now that I've made this announcement, I'll give you a reminder that you can still write your own spin on the Crew Bending series. And now that I've done that, this is a goooodbyeeee [?]

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