Chapter 4.5: BITD Meeting

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*???'s PoV*

Ugh... I slightly regret my choices. Well, no I don't. I want those kids to pay for what they have done to this place. Although... maybe I should be thanking them. I don't have to worry about getting rid of Timothy now. I only have to worry about gaining the power I need to rule this world.

Timothy was a stupid man. Killing the Avatars just so you can be one? HA. That plan could have worked if maybe he would have listened to me. He needs to get to the heart of the enemy. Find a way to get them to work on his side. But, he's gone now. So I can make the rules.

"Old man! When are we going to do something?"

Starting with the rules I have to give these brats.

"Relax." I told the boy, whatever his name was.

"Yeah. You should listen for once Ty!"

Ty! That's his name! Thank you female spawn who is related to him.

"Karla, why do you always have to ruin all the fun?" Ty asked, annoyance filling his voice.

Ah-ha! Karla's her name!

"Because you nearly drowned a man!!" Karla shouted.

I sighed. I have to teach these idiots so much..

"Listen!" I shouted, gaining their attention. "You'll get to do things here soon."

"Well, let's hurry up and get started old man!!" Ty responded.

I sighed again, making it the umpteenth time I sighed in response to them. But I can't get rid of them now, it's too late for that. I want a plan to actually work.

I'm in charge of this operation. There is no one here to tell me how to run it. I have the bender power I need. I have two apprentices, one water and the other fire. Oh how I love it when siblings are able to bend the opposite element, it results in strength.

Strength is what I am going to need to beat the Avatar and his stupid friends. Another downfall of Timothy, he targeted too many of his friends, he should have choice just a few.

"Sir? Are you okay? You seemed to have zoned out." Karla said, breaking my thoughts.

"Yes. I am fine." I replied to her.

"Teacher's pet." Ty mocked.

"Shut up!!" Karla angrily shot fire at Ty.

Out of reflex I stopped the fire and glared at the two. Before either one of them could make any of their annoying comments, I spoke up.

"I have a plan in store for you two. I have two men who will teach you how bend your elements."

"Then does that mean I get to stab the bad guys with my ice shards?" Ty enthusiastically asked.

"Then can I burn their dying body?" Karla added.

"You two are sick individuals. You'll make great apprentices." I responded.

Their faces practically started glowing with the sheer amount of happiness they possessed. While they were occupied with their excitement I called in the only water and fire benders that still work for the BITD.

Once they showed up, I explained to them that I wanted them to teach my apprentices how to bend. Once they understood, they took Ty and Karla with them to train.

After they were all out of my sight, I walked to my newly made office. Once I made it in there, I sat down in my chair and sighed.

I need someone on the inside to help me with my plan. I need to find who Mr. Avatar is closest to. I need to find what he likes. I can get him to join me. Because if not, then I'll have to kill him and try again.

It's going to be long road ahead... But if I know those people as well as I do, the road won't be too hard to traverse. But only time is going to give the answers I need...


Hi again! I had time to type today, and I felt like giving you awesome people the opportunity to read the BITD's perspective. I won't comment on these "half chapters" often. Because well, they are only half chapters. These will show up randomly, and give you inside perspectives, that no one at the facility will know :), or maybe something else.

Anyways. Thank you all so much for the support. I truly appreciate it. The next official chapter will come when I find the time again. So if you have any comments, concerns, confessions, complaints, and questions are always welcome. Ahh goooodbyeeee [?]

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