Chapter 13: Phase Three

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The next day after Morgan learned a new piece of information about the BITD, things began to get interesting.

It all started at one o' clock in the morning. Kaitlin was making her newest batch of cookies.

"Rise my babies! Rise!!" She shouted to the tray of freshly baked cookies, after of course she put all her secret ingredients away.

Slowly one by one the cookies moved around the tray, eventually making their way towards the crazed lady. One of the cookies stumbled off the table though.

"Phil..." Kaitlin sighed playfully, as she watched the cookie get up and dart out of the kitchen.

Her sigh was cut short when there was screaming outside the room.


Kaitlin stood there for a minute trying to know where she heard that voice before. Sure enough when she stepped out to check on her now smashed cookie, she was shocked by who she saw standing there.

"ALEX! You monster!! You killed Philip!" Kaitlin scolded.

"Kaitlin... You named it- Wait that doesn't surprise me... Why are you baking these things at 1 in the morning?" Alex, the old air bending trainer, asked.

"Why are you screaming?" Kaitlin retorted, not even fazed by who she was speaking to.

Alex sighed and told her to get him when the everyone wakes up, he had things to tell them. She for once obediently listened because at about 10 o' clock, Alex was drug to the Mess Hall where a meeting involving everyone was at.

Once the benders saw who was walking in with Kaitlin, they all just stared in shock, well except the students, they just looked confused and slightly interested in who this guy may be.

"Alex?! I thought you were killed!?" Fred said, sounding astonished.

"I am very much alive, thank you very much. I was just able to now escape that place." Alex replied.

"You was there all these years?" Greg asked, gaining him a nod from Alex.

"Wait. That means you can tell us what is happening then. Maybe give us an understanding on Jessica's situation, that you probably already know about." Hollow said, sounding quite hopeful.

"Oh.. Her.." Alex sighed.

The others looked at him, essentially telling him to explain himself. And explain was what he did.

"The BITD is planning something. From what I can tell it's to destroy this entire place, and with the two twins being second in command, that could be a real possibility, considering the things I've heard they've done. I believe their plan is a four phase plan." Alex explained.

"What phase are they on now?!" Fluke loudly questioned.

Alex sighed, "I think phase three... At least that's what I overheard."

"As quickly as they are making it through these, I'm afraid to see when phase four will be a thing." Rage muttered.

"Wait, what about Jessica. I'm sure she's doing something to stop them." Richelle said.

"Oh.. Um... About her..." Alex mumbled.

"What about her!?" Morgan asked, in a slight demanding tone.

"From what I hear.. She's one of the higher ups..." Alex replied his tone cold.

"What?! There's no way!" Evanz said.

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