Chapter 14: Amnesia...?

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"What is going on?" Rage asked, motioning for the others to follow him out of the freezer.

Once everyone was out, they closed the door, leaving Jessica in her unknown state.

"To be honest, I have no idea.." Morgan replied.

"Maybe you should go, oh I don't know, find out!"

"Yeah! You two were the closest to her before all of this, so you can find out." Fluke added to Rage's comment, gesturing to Morgan and Richelle.

Richelle, shrugged her shoulders and drug Morgan into the freezer again to question the girl in there what was going on. Once they walked in there, they were once again confused by her words.

"Phew, I'm glad to see you two didn't just ditch me for the Crew." Jessica said, still ignoring the fact she was tied up.

"Um Jessica-" Richelle tried to speak was cut off.

"Rage. It's Rage.. Sheesh Hollow, you should know this." Jessica replied, rolling her eyes.

"No. Rage is outside.." Morgan tried to explain.

"Yeah. The real one... Wait, is this part of the game?"

"What game?" Both Morgan and Richelle asked.

"Um. The game we are playing. I mean why else would I be tied to a chair- Wait, is this cops and robbers?"

"Ah yeah. The game." Morgan said, playing along now. "Yeah, you are one of the robbers.. Rage."

"I knew it. But um before we go back to the game, can I ask you two a few questions?"

"Sure." Richelle replied, still completely unsure of what was going on.

"First one... WHEN DID YOU GET TO MEET THE CREW!?!?!" Jessica shouted, sounding overly excited.

"Like two ish years ago.." Morgan responded.

"Hmm? That's not possible.. I only just started watching their videos.." Jessica replied, now being the one who was confused.

"Wait, you seriously don't remember that? What year is it?" Richelle questioned.

Jessica looked at them with a confused expression then responded with, "2015.."

"It's 2017." Morgan said, completely shooting down Jessica's answer.

"Very funny, if that is true I would be 18, and heading to college." Jessica said snickering.

"Um.. You are 18, and we have jobs." Richelle said, trying to make her friend understand.

"So I got to meet the Crew?" Jessica asked, bringing the conversation full circle.

"Yeah. You dated one of them..."

"Okay. Okay. Dream Hollow, anything else you want to tell me."

"Did you just call me dream Hollow?" Richelle asked, now at the point to where nothing is making sense.

"Yeah. If this is actually happening, then this is simply a dream. Watch as I summon a cookie."

The other two watched as the crazy girl in the chair tried desperately to summon a cookie with her mind. Morgan figured she would ask her some questions before Jessica broke herself. Before she did that, she went to get the others from outside the freezer, this way they can possibly help.

Luckily for her, the four of them went to get the four trainers to see if they could shed some light on the situation. So they were brought in as well.

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