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Nearly a year after peace was brought back to the facility, a graduation is being held.

"Hurry up! It's graduation." The very happy and excitable human known as Kaitlin shouted to the group of three girls.

"Give me a minute!!" The tallest one with glasses, known as Jessica instantly replied.

"I need to finish this slice of pizza!" The girl with short brown hair, known as Morgan said, taking another bite of the slice in her hand.

"One more chapter! I must know what happens to Spider-Man!" The shortest girl with very long hair, known as Richelle, responded from staring at her tablet which had Wattpad up.

"Nope!" Kaitlin shouted. She then ran over to the girls and confiscated their items. Well almost all of them. She almost got bit for trying to remove the pizza slice sticking out of Morgan's mouth.

"You guys need to hurry up! It's been two years! And get your butts up here!!" Kaitlin said from on top a stage.

"The robe smells like dust..." Jessica muttered.

"Deal with it! You can burn it later!"

Jessica then proceeds to walk slightly faster to the stage. She attempts to drag Richelle and Morgan with her. But they began to walk faster than her and she wasn't going to go faster than them.

"Okay... What am I supposed to say?" Kaitlin said essentially to herself.

"Tell me again, why we let her be the one to graduate them?" Fred asked Greg, as they stood towards the back of the stage.

"Because. We didn't want to do it. And she did." Greg clarified.

"But she doesn't even know what to- is that cookie moving?" Fred asked as he gestured to the food.

"I think it did! Why did we let Kaitlin cook!?" Greg questioned as he and Fred ran over to the food table.

As they we almost burning holes into the cookies. Kaitlin finally figured out what she was supposed to do.

"Blah blah blah. Congratulations on graduating. Blah blah blah. Here's your papers!" Kaitlin said as she handed each of the girls their diploma.

"Um. Thanks?" Morgan responded as she got hers.

At this time a slight scream was heard from by the food.

Everyone in the room glanced over to Fred and Greg who were beating several cookies, that where on the floor, with chairs.

"YOU MONSTERS!! STOP!!!" Kaitlin shouted in pure concern as she bolted off of the stage.

She then picks up the crumbs/remains of one of the cookies and tries to put them together again. The cookie just crumbles in her hand. Kaitlin then glares at Fred and Greg.

"Why would you do this to my cookies!? They we like my little babies!! If Kyle was still here, he wouldn't have done that!!" She angrily shouted.

"IT BIT ME!!!" Fred shouted back.

"They were moving too!!" Greg added.

"That gives you no right to kill them!!" Kaitlin scolded as she takes the remaining cookies off the table. "They are my special recipe! And you ruined so many of them!!"

At this time the Crew walks in.

"I heard that you guys needed to see us. For a mission or something." The tall, blue haired man, known as Hollow said.

"Yes! You came at just the right time!!" Kaitlin happily shouted as she walked over to the guys. She then hands the jolly blonde, know as Fluke the tray of cookies, "Keep them safe, meaning away from Fred and Greg."

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