🥲"Cry If you want too"😢

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"Boy you're such a lost lost cause"
"How you gonna fix this, you can't even fix yourself"

The lyrics of Madison bear blast through my earbuds as I sing my heart out. And yes I was in the bathroom, crying. I don't know why I was so torn over the fact that a student flirted with a teacher. It's not like I have a claim on him. It's just I kinda envy Tammy, she's so confident to pull such a move like that. I know if I ever did something like that I would make a complete fool of myself.

⏭ Time Skip ⏭ (Back in the classroom)

I was practically sitting at the edge of my seat waiting for him to continue with the topic that just been discussed. "So you mean to tell me someone as tasty as you hadn't been tied down yet," Bailey said, and to say everyone was shocked would be an understatement. Even with her being in the (S.L.U.T.S) group she still was the most innocent one of them all. I was so interested in what he was gonna say, but unfortunately, the got dang bell had to go off; which singled that class was dismissed.

Everyone was still sort of in shock, but eventually, everyone made their way to the door and dispersed. Wow, what a day. Since Mr.Edwards was our last period we were free to go home... Until Mr. Edwards hurried over to me with a look of hurt and panick on his adorable face and asked where I was headed. He seriously didn't hear that loud behind bell. I just giggled and said "The bell rang it's the end of class," I was now laughing my ass off, he said something but I didn't even here it. I waved goodbye while still wearing my smile.

I was now free. I'm glad I had no after-school practices or anything. Cause you see way back when I had school spirit; I would participate in practically everything, but then my grades started to fall and you get the point. Long story short ya girl had almost all A's. Until Algebra came back and bit me in the arse(😂👌🏾). Not Mr.Edwards, but the old hag who used to "teach" Algebra. And I use that word very loosely. If you mean someone who would only pass you if you kissed up to her, yeah no thank you.

I was stopped by some wholagin who had smacked my ass . I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was;it was no other than Ashton, I ignored and kept walking. I was in a really good mood and I didn't want him to ruin it with any of his excuses. "Hey, baby why the long face," he said "Don't baby me cause last time I checked I didn't exist with you this morning. The way you just pushed me out of the way as soon your whore came. And you started playing with your new toy in front of me .Really Ashton? Look I'm just going to bite the bullet here and end this while we still have our feelings intact. It's obvious you are only interested in me because of what I can do in bed, and I'm so glad I never let a low-down dirty dog like you hit it. Ow, and btw your head game is wack"

I replied as I strutted my stuff. He just stood there wide-eyed I guess he didn't expect me to say all of that, but I was done being used and abused by someone who only wanted me for what was in my pants. Bitch Please mess me with that. As far as the head went it went something like this....
2 years ago

I was lying on my back looking up at the ceiling. " Fuck baby you taste so good," Ashton said. I swear I don't even remember how I got into this situation. I mean I was naive and just wanted to cope a feel. I somehow let this little boy talk me into it, and by that I mean he cried about how it's been too long and how he wanted another chance yada yada yada. "Um ba -baby are you enjoying this? " he asked.

Rule number one if you have to ask you should already know you suck. And rule number two at least know where the cl!t is 🤦🏾‍♀️. Ashton had been down there for about 30 minutes and I hadn't cum yet. So if that gives you any Idea. Just image someone licking at that wrong spot for 30 minutes straight. " um 😐 Ashton I think we should reevaluate our selves because that was...awf-" I was cut off by Ashton saying "awesome huh baby I knew you liked it, I mean you barely made a peep which means I ate you so good you became speechless". He said and a triumphant tone 🤦🏾‍♀️(Real Delulu) " y'know what Ashton your right I totally am speechless 😶 " I replied boredly" Good girl, do you want more?" he asked eagerly "ummm look a the time I should get going" I said ....

📸Flashback over 😐
So yeah that happened. I can't believe I was so naive back then. I mean I would never let a man cope a feel nowadays. Well except for Mr.Edw- no no-no-no. Ugh why do I keep thinking about him. Did he even give us homework. Damn I was to busy laughing and thinking naughty to even make sure I get my work. I rushed back to his classroom, there he's was writing practice problems for tomorrow on the bored.

Aww he was wearing glasses, mmm. I finally snapped out of my creepy gaze and went to retrieve my paper as quietly as possible. His back was still turned to me, good. Once I got the paper I was heading towards the door when I felt a strong muscular hand grip my shoulder. "Are you sure that's all you came here for" he said. I was taken back. " What?" I asked questionly. He smirked " having dirty thoughts are we" he mumbled so I could hear him.

I was about to say something when he cut me off. " I know you weren't paying attention today, so is there anything you would like to catch up on." he said. We were practically touching, that's how close we were. Damn he smelled goo-.... "O sorry, am I interrupting something" My literature teacher, Mrs.Paulson asked innocently

"Nop-" This fudger cut me off again

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"Nop-" This fudger cut me off again. "We were just having a discussion, on different math theories." he said confidently.. "Oh really I LOVE math" she said a little to eagerly. I saw exactly where this was going so I excused myself and left. I looked back to see pure anger on his face, but he hid it immediately. Oh well, if I find out that she ends up taking maternity leave I'll know who the baby daddy is. Why is it always the Literature teach who end up getting pregnant and leaving in the middle of the year. SMH
Hey y'all,please let me know your thoughts on this book. This is my first time writing,and I guess I want to make sure this is actually palatable. Besides I got tired of reading books that never had ✨DRAMA✨ or at least interested me so I decided to wright my own book for once. Kk bye ✌🏾

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