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(Angel's POV)
—In Last Period— (Aka Hell)

The room was filled with silence.It was so quiet you could hear a pen drop. The entire room was heavy and filled tension. He was staring daggers into soul. Since the beginning of class he had not said a word to me. He treated me like I wasn't there. And I mean that literally, he bumped into me constantly and ignored my hand when I wanted to ask a question. Of course the school S.L.U.T.S noticed this because they constantly raised their hands to "ask for help" however each question they asked was completely stupid "Roman, I need your help with figuring out this point" Tammy asked.

The entire class erupted in 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' because Tammy called Mr.Edwards by his first name. I looked up to see him staring me dead in my eyes. He looked really good today, I had not gotten a good look at him before. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a white collared shirt with his gold cufflings. Once I finally made it to his face I saw that stupid smirk on his face. By this point the whole classroom was staring at us. I guess they were still waiting for his response."Rom-" Tammy started but one look from him she shut her ass right up. That put a smile on my face. I began to laugh at her pathetic attempts to get his attention.

After a full 3 minutes of me laughing Roman began to laugh. Both of our eyes meet and in that moment I knew we would be okay. The rest of the class joined in not even knowing the joke. "Ugh,she's not even that funny" Katherine said underneath her breath. before i could even respond Roman Interjected. "What was that" he said in a now serious tone. "n-nothing s-s-Rory" Katherine stuttered out. I looked up to see him already watching me.I mouthed a small thank you. He winked at me before continuing to teach his lecture.

I felt on top of the world, I mean I knew we would still need to have a conversation, but it hurt not being good with him. For some reason I wasn't really mad at him. And I didn't know why, I mean this man was making love to a mysterious woman in the living room. Oh and let's not forget that he said I love you to that woman. However even through all of that I'm just glad we are back to talking again. I mean it would be a bit difficult to ask him who that women was if all he did was ignore me and burn holes into my brain.


The loud ringing of the bell took me from my thoughts. Before I could even get up from my desk, I am stopped by a hard chest. "Look Roman I-" I was cut off by a breathtaking kiss. Our lips interlocked with each like we have been starving for each other. Romans hands began to rome my body. He touched me rough but yet carefully. My lips trailed off to his neck. "F-fuck b-baby" he said in a needy tone. Even though I had never done this before I knew from his groans that he was enjoying this. This put a smile on my face; so I continued to place gentle kisses all the way down to his neck making sure I nibbled on certain parts.

Then it hit me. The school has cameras. Noticing my stiff manner he pulled me back. "There are no cameras in my classroom baby, they removed them because of complaints from faculty" Roman said to me in his sultry voice. I nodded my head, acting as like his voice didn't have an effect on me. "We need to talk about what happened Roman, before we do something..." I trailed off hoping that he would get the hint. But of course he didn't."What's something Angel" he asked in a sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes at this knowing damn well he knew what I meant. "Y'know what I mean" I said making sure I matched his energy. "I'm guessing 'something' means when I'm fucking the shit out of you, or maybe when I'm eating your ass?I don't know baby let me know when I'm getting warmer" He said making sure he plastered that stupid smirk on his face. I leaned in missing the taste of his lips. "Mr.Edwards you in there" A woman's voice rang throughout the classroom. We both looked at each wondering who was at the door. "Whose there?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

I giggled at this knowing damn well we had no business being in here in the first place. I watched as he made his way to the door. His back muscles flexed as he walked. Plus he had a cute ass. What.... Guys do it all the time. "Oh am I interrupting something" A familiar voice asked. Then it hit me this was the same voice from yesterday. Did this bitch really show herself after what happened yesterday. I rolled my eyes only to see a heavy smirk plastered on her face once she noticed me here. "Damn Roman I never knew you liked them big and obese" this bitch said in an amused tone.

I got up making my way over to where she was, "says the anorexia looking bitch" I snapped back. That smirk fell immediately off her stupid face. Roman was huddled over laughing at what I said, but I was serious. "Well at least he loves me, I mean damn this anorexic body must have done something right,for him to still love me" she said with confidence. She was right, Roman had not even apologized to me on what had happened, also he never once said he loved me. I mean at least not how he told her.

The look in his eyes when he confessed his love for her; was no where near the same way he felt for me.I started to realize just how bad he fucked up. He noticed my face hardened, already knowing what was gonna go down. "B-baby talk to m-me" he begged. "I think my parents would be a better fit, I mean even if they are gone every day. It's better than being in that house with you" I said as I made my way to the door.

You know something he never even came after me. He just let go, and that hurt. I mean I know it wouldn't have made a difference,but he could've at least fought for me. He just stood there watching the "love of his life" walk off into the distance. I started off strong but then realization set in. I loved someone who was still deeply in love with someone else. My emotions rushed in like a raging river, I collapsed on the ground, not wanting to face him.



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