✨No one's baby👿

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"Heyy get up; baby"

I am awoken immediately from the sound of a deep voice followed by soft kisses being scattered all over my face..... but who tf were they calling baby? I slowly opened my eyes to see a smirking Mr.Edwards. And Damn did he look good.

More than good he looked edible. He must have touched up his beard,mmm the way I would ride that man's fa- "having naughty 😈 thoughts so early ;I see" he interrupted my lewd thoughts when he opened his big ass mouth. "Boy please" I said in a sassy tone. He smirked at this while he licked his lips.

Ughh why is he doing this to me. "Come on I made you breakfast ba-" he started to say, but immediately stopped once I hushed his ass. "Look I get that I am all of that and then some,but I am no one's baby: and I damn sure ain't yours." I said as I slowly got up making sure to arch my back as I did. I heard him take a sharp breathe before grabbing me securely by the waist.

It kind of took me by surprise since I let out a little moan."Do you really like it that much. Oh, and by the way you are my baby. All of this *smack* is mine you got that" Did this bastard just smack my ass, and why did it send a gush down to my panties. Ughh this is so frustrating; he is so close I can feel "him" and damn I just don't think I could ever take that even if I wanted to.none of my holes for that

Omg,stop it Angel you shouldn't even be staying at your TEACHER'S anyway much less letting your TEACHER be this god damn close. "Look Mr. whatchamacallit I think you need to back it up a little, you may think that you own me but I can assure you; you don't even come close" as I finished my sentence I slowly sashayed my Fat ass to the kitchen to fix my plate. I heard a loud groan followed by small grunts, not turning around I continued on about my way. This house was beautiful,but it was just so goddamn big.

I mean at the end of my stay here I better be a size "0"..... sike I love my body weight. Weather I'm a size zero or not I'm still that bitch. "Good morning Ms.Edwards what can I get for you" do my ears 👂🏾 deceive me or did someone assume I was his wife. What in the world, and out of all people it was Sarah. And from the looks of her she looked constipated almost like she was forced to say that. I am shooken from all of my thoughts when I feel a large strong hand right above my ass.

Did his slick self not get the memo. "Do you want me to tell her to fix something else; baby?" He said in a humorous yet serious tone. He think he slick. I just ignored him and continued my thoughts while making my way to get my plate. "Oh, I can fix it for you Miss, We wouldn't want you eating up everything now would we" she said with a smirk on her face, but it immediately vanished when she saw whatever was behind me.

I'm tired of this. "Look Mr.Edwards I really do appreciate you letting me stay here until graduation,but could you dial it down a little. I mean we're you not ramming her guts in the other day , and now your making her call me by your last name *snorts* pluh-please *hahaha* I mean did you really think this would make a difference. We will never be with each other okay.Look I know men like you; you like to explore and taste anything that's new and in season, and I can assure you that is not me." I said briskly I then turned towards her to say thanks for the food.

I wasn't even hungry after I had said all of that and a part of me was starting to feel bad. I quickly rushed upstairs to strip out of my clothes to get ready for school. He had woken me up at 6:45 AM which was nice,but I usually got up way earlier. So today I would have to rush unfortunately.....

✨Time Skip✨
I was now pulling into the school parking lot, and let's just say I was getting a lot more attention than usual. Was it what I was wearing? It couldn't be that; I only had on ripped denim jeans, with a graphics T and a sweater since the weather was starting to get colder.

Even though it was simple I could make anything look good

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Even though it was simple I could make anything look good. From further inspection of their eyes it seemed that their attention wasn't on me,but on whatever was behind me. Now I was scared I heard breathing from behind me, and not the quiet type either.

Whoever they were they sounded like they needed to back tf up (cause corona babes 🧫🔬). I finally manned up and turned around, and man was it a site for sore eyes. Mr.Edwards was hovering over me with a look that could kill. Before I could inspect anymore he pushed passed me and made his way into the building.

Luckily their eyes were on him now and not directly towards me. "Bitch, what was that about ?" Mikayla said. "Honestly, I don't even know" I said solemnly knowing damn well it had something to do with earlier this morning, but now is not the time for that I need to focus on school.

⏭fast forward to Last Period⏭
I made sure to get there early to class because I needed to apologize to him; maybe I was a little to harsh. "Mr.Ewar-l" before I can even finish my sentence I am taken back from the scene in front of me. Tammy was bent over trying to pick up some papers that had fallen. But the bad thing was that she wasn't wearing any protective panties she was wearing a thong.

A G-string to be be precise; Mr.Edwards seemed to have no care at all to what was in front of him. "Bing....bing....bing"the warning bell sounded 'How long have I been standing here?' I said to myself as I made my way to my seat. Before I could even sit down I felt holes being burned to the back of my head. I first thought it was Tammy, but as soon as I turned around I am meet with a hard chest.

'How the hell did he get up so fast' I said to myself, but apparently he heard. "You left out of the house before you could even get breakfast... how, irresponsible" he said in a mocking tone before shoving what looked to be some lunch that he had made for me into my chest, but somehow his hand grazed my breast which made my nipples hard as a rock. He looked somewhat satisfied with this, but he also looked a little more red than usual.

I slowly lowered my eyes to see his "little" friend. "Ugh 😩 I don't know how Sarah can even take something like that much less standing up" I said a little to loud because there were now eyes on me. Now y'all decide to be on time for class."Good Evening, class turn your math Theorems to page 137. Today you all will be working independently" he said all of this while keeping his eyes dead set on me. *GULP*

Gulp gulp GuLp gUlP gulp Gulp GLuP GLUP

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