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(2 weeks later)

The sun's rays shined over my face, I feel Roman's strong arms wrapped around me. Not wanting this feeling to end. "Good morning princess" his groggy morning voice whispered into my neck. He placed gentle kisses all over my back. "N-no" I panted out. I already knew what would come of this if we continued. For the past few weeks we had been having none stop sex. It was as if he was punishing me for something.

Although the sex was good, it seemed like that was all we were doing nowadays. I pushed him off of me with the little strength I had let. He fucked me every chance he got. And whilst this would be a dream come true for most women I couldn't handle it. "Did I do something wrong" He asked as he reached for me. I tried my best to rush to the bathroom, but he had already caught me. He carried me to the bed, sitting me on his lap. If I didn't tell him what was bothering me we would just get into another fight.

"R-roman I can't handle sex everyday, I'm not your chef, or that bitch you said I love you too" I rushed out before I could stop myself. And although I could see the hurt on his face I kept going. Maybe it was because of the fact that we never ended up talking about it or maybe because a part of me still had not forgiven him. "Roman we never talked about like you told me we would, instead you have just been using sex as a way to apologize for what you did. But let me explain something to you; no amount of sex could ever make me forget WHAT YOU DID" I yelled at him with disappointment in my eyes.

I tried my best not to cry, but I felt bad...really bad. Why did I yell at him. I mean a part of me felt good for making him feel the pain he caused me to feel, but then the other part of me felt sad about it. The look on his face showed great sadness. "Let's get cleaned up amore mio" He said softly into my chest. Why wasn't he yelling at me, or why wasn't he angry. He lifted us off of the bed, and headed to the restroom. He sat me on the counter while he got the water ready. "I'm sorry" I said into the quiet. He tensed lightly but I noticed. "You shouldn't be the one apologizing" he turned towards me with a look of guilt.

My heart sank not knowing why, did he need to tell me something. "What did you do" I asked concerned. "You know what I did baby, so stop with that" he said as calm as possible but it mostly came out angry. "Stop with that Roman, what you don't wanna talk about it now. Because let me tell you something boy, you fucked her and no amount of sex, head, or money is gonna change that" I yelled back to him. He stood there with sadness on his face.

I got up and decided it would be best if we some time apart for a while. I don't know about y'all but I'm someone who would rather give someone space than fight for someone to do the right thing. Instead of wasting my weekend I decided to enjoy it. I showered and then got dressed in this very beautiful dress. It was a mint green dress, and although it was simple it made me look stunning. After I was fully satisfied with the look of the day I decided to have a little solo date.

⏭️ Time Skip ⏭️

I had finally gotten home after a couple of hours to myself. During that time I had decided to shop for numerous items that I had been eyeing for a while. All on Roman's card ofcourse. It was now around 10:00 pm. I had left the house around 2:45 pm so the time difference wasn't that bad. I slowly opened the door not wanting to disrupt him. The house was very eerie, it was so quiet and cold. I looked around the house only to be stopped by a large figure in front of me. "Where were you" he said in a defeated tone.

I scoffed in an annoyed tone. "I went shopping" I said dryly. I pushed pass him. He snatched my Brazilian 30in virgin deep water wave full lace frontal. Like who does this guy think he is. I mean mugged him as best as I could, but that only made him tighten his grip. "Stop"he said calmly. I had just now noticed his face. He had been crying. I slowly reached for his face, placing gentle kisses over his face. His hands romed my body. He swiftly picked me up heading to our room. Once we were in the room I tensed up. The truth was I couldn't take him right now.

I mean we had been having none stop sex for these past couple of weeks and my kitty was tired. He gently laid me on the bed. Removing my clothes only leaving me in my underwear. I should have worn a bra-. He stood there for little admiring them, before he finally snapped out of it. After his creep sesh he placed the covers over my body. I immediately snuggled into the blanket, the bed was so warm and soft.

After a couple of minutes he came into the room with a handful of snacks. I mean he had everything that I like. I smiled at this, knowing that he probably watched what I got from the store. "You are so beautiful amore mio" he said out of no where. My smile widened at his cuteness. He finally made it to the bed with the snacks. I reached out for them, but he snatched them away. He smirked at my confusion, before leaning in to give me a kiss. Our tongues wrapped around each others. This kiss felt so amazing. I needed this. We finally pulled away from each other. Panting.

He cuddled into bed behind me as I scrolled through Netflix to find us something interesting to watch. I decided on HTGAWM (How to get away with murder) I had already watched this show twice, but for some reason no matter how many times I watch it I always find new clues left in the show. He kissed my shoulder every now and then. I knew what he wanted, but I was glad that he was respecting my wishes. We spent the rest of the night snacking and watching T.V. Enjoying each other's company.
⏭️ The Next Day⏭️
(At school)

Christmas break had ended and we were finally back in school. I was surprisingly excited to say the least. Roman and I wear finally back on good terms, he even told me the full story about him and ole girl. Basically long story short, the reason they broke up was because of her cheating, and I mean heavy on the cheating part. But even though all of that Roman decided to stay with her all in the name of love.

He even told me about the time that he walked in on her giving another guy head (karma 😭). I honestly felt bad for him, I mean he was clearly having abandonment issues. But one thing is for sure it could never be me. There is no way in hell I would ever stay with someone who cheats for fun. As these thoughts ran through my head I felt arms wrap around my waist. I tensed, knowing that those arms weren't Roman's. "Miss me baby" I hear Ashton's annoying voice.

I pryed his hands off of me, not liking the feeling.   I gathered my belongings annoyed that my lunch had been interrupted. "Cmon baby I know you miss me" he said again. He was so close that I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck. "Um could you back up" I said annoyed. "Cmon Angel, you could be a bit more nice to your first" he said with confidence. I cringed both mentally and physically at the thought.

"Leave" a deep voice filled the room. The once loud and bustling lunch room was now completely silent. Umm what. I slowly turned around to see Roman behind staring daggers into Ashton's face. As I turned back around I saw Ashton's skinny ass running away like a little bitc- I mean baby. (Trying not to cuss y'all) "You okay baby" Roman asked, but all I was worried about was if someone had heard, but luckily for us they didn't.

Well today was definitely a day-
Sorry for this odd ending y'all I honestly didn't know how to end this chapter so yeah... Also thank y'all so much for all of the love and support on this story. I'm not gonna lie at first I was nervous to post my work, but I got tired of reading stories that were never complete! Also this also means that I need to keep up my end, by posting regularly. If any of you have any ideas on what the next chapter should be feel free to comment (I'll give credit where credit is due 😊) Anyways, y'all need to get some sleep lol ❤️

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