🤪"You mad mad huh?"🤬

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All eyes were on me
Why was everyone here so early, usually it takes 20 whole minutes for the classroom to fill up completely. But now it was filled to the brim the only set left was next to Romans(hot seat for people who were disruptions ) everyone knew to never come to late in order to bypass sitting in that seat. Unfortunately I wasn't that Lu- "are you just going to stand there or are you gonna sit" he said distastefully while pointing towards the seat. Why was he being this way. I slowly made my way to seat.

Once seated I looked up to see Ashton eating the face off of Mikayla. *Bang*. The sound of a book being slammed on their desk rang throughout the room.I saw Roman standing over the two, I couldn't see his face but the look on theirs told me everything I needed to know. There were a few ohs and ahs before he finally got started with the lesson. "Precalculus, has anybody heard of it" he asked. I decided to raise my hand. He looked directly at me before choosing someone else. Really. They of course didn't give the correct answer so he came back to me."precalculus is a course that includes algebra and trigonometry at a level which is designed to prepare students for the study of calculus." I said confidently.

I could of sworn I saw him smile a little. "Very good" he praised. "All right now who wants to try and solve this problem right here" he asked as he pointed to the bored. The question looked very difficult, but I think it was probably one of those simple problems. The classroom was dead silent. "Okay, um Angel tell me the first step to this problem" he asked kindly. Ugh he was so wishy washy. I was nervous not gonna lie, but when he came and rubbed my shoulders I immediately relaxed. "I-um think I-it would be to compute what's in the pararhethisis first and then the e-exponents" I said nervously. "And you'd be correct" he said sounding proud.

He was still rubbing my shoulders before he stopped to address a hand that was raised. My eyes followed the hand to see who it belonged to. It was Ashton, since when does he volunteer. Roman seemed annoyed but eventually asked what he wanted. "Um I just want to say that you look really sexy today baby" he said seductively. Ughh I rolled my eyes. He needed to here a piece of my mind but before I could even respond I was stopped by a loud  bang and an erupting crowd followed after. I decided to be nosey and go see what the commotion was about.

It all happened in a blink of an eye. Roman had Ashton's shirt in a firm grip. The room was dead silent. However when Roman whispered something is his ear his face transformed into pure shock.His blood ran cold as his eyes looked like he had seen a ghost. Ashton's skin now turning pale followed by him sweating bullets, was all that could've seen as he gathered all of his things quickly before anyone could even blink. " sorry about that everyone, now where we're we"....

😢 Time Skip 😋

"Ughh finally"
I sighed as I laid down on my comfy bed. Ugh today was definitely something. I mean from Roman and I's fight to my used to be best friend screwing my ex. Me lying on this bed felt like heaven compared to what had happened to me today.


Loud knocks sounded through the room and ruined my much needed rest. I made sure to take my time to walked to the door, but the knocking just became more persistent. Once I reached for the handle I started to sweat bullets. On the other side of that door was probably an angry Mr.Edwards. so yeah I was nervous. We hadn't had a proper conversation about what happened, so this was nerve racking. "Open the door please." He said calmly. Okay maybe he isn't as mad as I thought.... Bitch bye. I decided to open the door not wanting to make this anymore  awkward .

As soon as I opened the door I am engulfed in a heart warming hug. I don't know why, but this was what I needed. I began to hug back. This felt good... almost to good. I hugged him tighter and began to moan into his neck. He smelled so God damn good, and on top of that I had a perfect view of his ass. 'Damn you got cake' I said to myself. The room then became engulfed with his chuckles. This then prompted me to laugh. "Cake really" he said amused. This brought a smile to my face. "Mhmm" I said with a huge smile plastered on my face.

I needed that. "Mm, well I'm glad to see that beautiful smile again" he said before stalking closer to me. Once there was barely any room between us he then spoke. "I'm sorry that you ever had to hear anything that bastard said." He said calmly, but I saw pure hate in his eyes. "You didn't hurt him did you" I said, but soon regretted it. I saw his face go from mallace to sadness in the blink of an eye. So I decided to clear up the misunderstanding. "I meant to add, that since there were a lot of people there. I mean I don't want you to end up in jail all because of what he said. Because if you were to end up in ja-"My rambling was cut short by a passionate kiss.

Our tongues enraveled in each other's presence. His hands began to explore my body. His large hands made their way to my breasts. "Can I" he asked. I immediately shook my head. He then began to move his hands to my breast cupping them in their entirety. "Aww" I moaned loving the feeling of his hands on me. He brushed his thumb over my hardened nipples before stopping. "W-hy stop" I asked frustrated. He chuckled before picking me up and taking me to my bed. He placed me gently on the bed, before getting ready to speak. He cleared his throat and began to remove his tie.

Damn that was sexy as hell. "I Love you Angel... and yeah that's it" he said calmly. I was shocked 😳. "I...u-umm-

I was cut off by him chuckling. "You don't have to give me an answer just yet. Can we just cuddle please ...mmm" he asked cutely. I nodded my head and went to pick a movie while he went to get the snacks. We all know that when they say "you don't have to give me an answer yet" that means that they really want an answer. I don't know if I love him though. I mean let's be for real, we had only known each other for 3 weeks.

And half of the time  we spent together was spent with me stressing over wether or not he wanted to fuck those other women. I don't know how to tell him that I like home very much without using that word that I know that he wants to hear so badly. How do I say that to him....

Oooo Chile my head hurting writing this!!
Make your mind up gurl

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