Platatonic Star imagine - The ex's new girl

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A/N - A dream I had lol. I shall post more later! Currently working on stuff to sell at a craft fair 😘❤❤❤


Since the breakup with Michael, you never thought you would actually like Star. Ever since he had sat you down and essentially broke it off with you, you has felt bitter and sad. Knowing that there was another girl that he was soon seen out with a lot more? It pretty much added to the emotional turmoil that was your free week off work.

Maybe it had been the closing in move date but once you had seen a glimpse of puffy brown hair and sequins shining as the fabric swished around the corner, you felt the need to check her out. It felt sad and pathetic as you rounded the corner but the more rational side of your brain had lost that night. You wanted to see what was different between the two of you and that’s what you did. She was pretty from a distance and you certainly saw why Michael was interested in her. There was an ethereal glow about her as she walked among the public.

Surprisingly Michael hadn't been there and that was the sobering moment when you knew you should just get on with your night. Whilst the breakup was relatively amicable, you didn't need the awkward small talk that would occur if you happened to bump into said brunette.

With that in mind, you quickly turned on your heel and decided to bail. There was closure to satisfy the nipping in your mind. As you turned to leave you stopped. There was soft sniffling coming from behind you. Curiosity got the better of you and you glanced over your shoulder to see the girl you had essentially been tailing, she buried her head in her hands as she fell to the bench. Even if she was sad it seemed like she didn't want anyone to know. Chewing your lip, you had thought about leaving but the more empathetic side won you over and you soon found yourself at her side, quietly taking a seat.

“Are you okay?” You asked, feeling awkward from the get go. Maybe she didn't know about you? The thought made it better.

Her face turned to the side and you could see her brown eyes were glossy and red, lips set in a straight line as if to stifle a sob. You knew you were likely just a stranger and how it seemed off in a place such as Santa Carla where empathy was a rarity in people but you couldn't help but try and comfort her.

There was a look she casted towards the ground as if she was debating something. She met your gaze again after a sigh, mind made up.

“You're y/n right?” She asked and you knew you had been caught. For some reason it made your heart tingle- might have done more if Michael hadn't broken up with you.

Nodding, you confirmed and decided to just come out with it.

“And you must be Star?”

The brunette nodded and brushed a clump of hair blowing into her face.

“Not to be rude. But why are you here?” Star asked.

It was a fair question. Usually how old and new relationships went weren't particularly easy if you believed what you saw in movies and the daily advice columns in the magazines.

“I didn't want to intrude. I- I just wanted to see if you were alright. I heard sniffling.”

“It's okay, you don't have to.” She wiped her face gently and finally sat up. “This doesn't happen a lot.”

“Are you sure things are okay? I know we don't officially know each other but I want to make sure you're okay.”

“Then you're one in a million.” Star sniffled, a forced smile on her face. You took it as a compliment despite the tone of voice. You knew you probably should have left and your silence spoke.

Star muttered out a quiet, “sorry.” She realized she had made you a little uncomfortable but her emotions were high. The boys, the incoming families merging and then the fight with Michael after he found out about the wine. It hadn't been your fault but at the same time, she hadn't expected a stranger to walk up and check on her. It was unheard of in Santa Carla, shockingly so if were a lost child.

“It's alright.” Your hand slowly hesitated but handed softly on us back, gently patting before retreating. Star didn't protest if anything she had tried everything to reassure you she was okay, changing the topic numerous times until it hardly felt like talking to a stranger.

When the bell for the nearby outdoor bar rang for last calls, it seemed to perk Star up a little. Had it really bene that long? You had arrived for 8 and last calls usually rang at midnight... She glanced behind you and then back to you, stilling before calling it a night, saying, “It was nice meeting you, Y/N. Have a safe journey.”

That confused you. So far only yourself, parents and a few close friends knew you were moving state.

“Wait how did you-" You asked.

Star waved you off, standing to her feet. “Michael told me.”

The Emersons? That explained the basket of cookies brought over by the soon to be Mrs Emerson. How could you have forgotten? Of course your mother would have told them in passing, being friends with the small family...

With a smile, you waved bye at her before making your way to pick up some food like you had planned to before you got caught up. What a night...

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