Lost Boys Headcannons - Reaction to getting waxed as a dare

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A/N - Waxing does hurt tho... ❤❤❤



·       Didn't exactly want to do it but nevertheless does it to show off. Boldly presenting his sleeveless and hairy arm to the reader. Might even act a little cocky as his body language screams relaxed and confident.

·       The second the wax goes on his arm he hates it but doesn't say anything either. The stickiness isn't pleasant but the warmth is kinda nice when you’re cold 24/7.

·       Will laugh when you suggest he take a deep breath. He’s immortal and worse has surely happened to him than just a little bitty wax, how painful could it be?

·       His second funeral for bragging.

·       Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.

·       There’s a blonde carpet on the strip and his cigarette fell from his lips. He is holding in a verbal shout to save face as he grinds his teeth.

·       David is blank but his nostrils flared and the only giveaway that he was in agony was the fact that his toe claws had protruded and shredded through the polished black of his boots.

·       Knew he would be getting into stupid shit the moment Paul brought up truth or dare on a Monday night. He hadn't expected for you to join in and offer up your house for the game.

·       Whilst Dwayne is smart, he hadn't expected Marko to grin, whisper into David's ear as he pointed at something in the corner of your bedroom.

·       Now Dwayne had witnessed you waxing your legs just the once and it was enough to have him sneak in razors to your cabinet every time he came over. It didn't look nor sound nice either, especially when he's heard you Yelp and then when he helped apply a calming lotion to the pink but hairless skin.

·       Sighs but knows there was no getting out of it. He would ask you which place was the least painful if the boys hadn't specified which spot would be getting de haired.

·       Handles it like a pro but definitely hates it even more. Usually stoic face is scrunched up the second your fingers tease the edge of the sticky paper.

·       The boys cackle when his eyes glow yellow and he let’s out a grunt.

·       “Never again.”

·       Hadn't really heard of wax until hearing the reason for the treatment. Genuinely thought wax was only for candles and your ears.

·       Marko is a little 50/50 with pain. Most pains suck but some however, feel euphoric. So he isn't exactly sure how he would take it as he bears his arm to the reader.

·       When Paul is talking his ear off about it, it doesn't exactly feel like a good idea, that was until you applied a patch on him.

·       The moment he hears the RIP and feels the stingy patch of skin, he accidently let’s out a mix between a Yelp and a moan.

·       If it didn't take his hair, he might even ask you to do it again.

·       Paul instantly tries to nope out of it once he finds out what wax they were actually talking about. Likes his hair and doesn't fancy looking patchy, especially not when it's his glorious chest fuzz that Marko had specified had to go. Might even try and negotiate by saying he would do it with a lighter? That sounded like a fair trade but it was rebuffed.

·       Would likely need to be held down as the strip is applied and if it’s even remotely close to his nipple he will start shrieking and kicking like a toddler.

·       The moment it comes off he is a bit of a baby and rightfully so- that shit hurts! Like Marko Paul likes a little pain, but this wasn't little and he wasn't exactly getting a reach around either....

·       Legitimately needs affection after that and at some point your “Spanish inquisition,” wax products would be launched out the window.

·       Like literally is traumatic so please don't do again.

·       Gets over it a few days after, but will tell it differently, that he handled it well when he didn't.

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