8. Anticipation

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Juniper awoke with the screeching of metal against metal as the cell door opened. A fresh draft of chill air cut straight through his too-thin blanket. He jolted upright, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. The circumstances of where he was and why he was there struck his mind like a bolt of lightning. He was wide awake.

A soft laugh came from the doorway.

"I apologize for startling you."

Jun could tell that it was Ian. He relaxed a little. Ian wasn't as scary as the other vampires he had experienced thus far. The secretary still had a powerful presence but an understanding nature beneath – as if he would at least wear a look of pity while draining one's blood. Was that reassuring? Maybe as reassuring as a vampire could be.

"I am to get you presentable for His Highness."

Jun would see Prince Isaac again? This surprised the boy. He thought the prince would be done with him – much too prominent and occupied to have time for a flawed slave. Had his blood test results arrived?

"I will take you to the showers and then get you a fresh set of clothes – Oh! You barely touched your food!"

Ian noticed the nearly full plate left on the side table. Jun thought that it was kind that the vampire seemed so concerned. Or perhaps, they wanted him well-fed so they could drink from him.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't have much of an appetite."

Jun kept his head lowered while talking to the vampire. He wasn't sure how to appropriately interact with the supernaturals, but he presumed appearing submissive was a safe way to go.

"No matter. I suppose it's understandable. We will get you something to eat soon. Come. Let's get you cleaned up."

Ian guided the boy out of his cell and into the cool hallway. As they walked, Jun wondered if his family was held nearby. Perhaps they were even passing right by them... he squashed his thoughts. He couldn't afford to fall into despair right then. A whole new day of unknowns lay ahead of him. Jun decided that he would try to be brave like his brother Ash. When he felt he could, he would inquire about his family.

They hadn't been walking long when Ian led them to another metal door. Moisture-filled air encased them as they entered. This must be the shower room.

Would he have to undress and wash himself in front of the vampire? He'd already felt so exposed yesterday.

Ian pressed two bottles into his hands.

"Here. The taller one is shampoo, and the shorter one is soap. You can leave your clothes on the floor outside the curtain. I'll hang a fresh towel on the hook – it will be immediately to your left, on the wall, outside the curtain."

Tears sprang to Juniper's eyes. Ian was so considerate. In his current state of mind, simply being allowed to shower alone felt like a generous gift.

"Thank you," the boy softly replied.

Ian gave Jun a gentle pat on his head. "I'll wait out here until you are finished. Let me know if you need anything."


Freshly dressed, in clothes of the same style as the day before, Ian walked Juniper through a long stretch of hallway. The vampire didn't say where they would meet the prince, but Jun hoped it was somewhere outside the overseers' building. He didn't like how oppressive it felt.

Then, to the boy's relief, he felt a warm breeze on the other side of yet another set of heavy doors. He was so glad to be leaving the cold and monotonously concrete building.

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