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Kim Namjoon was gone

{ Jackson's POV }

I felt the tears I was holding back slip down my eyes as I let out small sobs. 

"J-joon? Joon don't leave me. P-Please don't leave me" 

I heard sobs coming from Alissa as I moved my hand along his throat down to his heart. I saw something flash through my head as I shut my eyes. A series of images flashed through my eyes like a movie. I made out some of them as I realized what was happening. 

It was memories of him. Memories we made together. I heard his voice in my head as I focused on it only. 

I heard Alissa scream his name as the pictures and voice stopped coming. I opened my eyes  slowly as I saw the monitor go back to normal. I looked at him as I saw him breathing steadily. 

Did i do that? What happened? How? 

"It glowed, you're hand started glowing, and then he started breathing again." - Alissa said almost as if reading my mind. 

"But h-how, I don't have the power to save someone, only your brother does"

"It's cause he's yours." - I heard Taemin say as he walked in almost as if on que.

"What do you mean?"
"He's yours, you're each others. He's your mate. When it comes to your mate, you can save them as many times as you want. It's like that with Lexi and I." 

I looked over at Joon who was breathing steadily. I saw his eyes flutter as he opened them slowly. I felt more tears slip down my eyes as I felt his hand grab onto mine. I gave him a smile as he returned it. 

{ Serina's POV }

I sighed as I sat down on the chair in the office. I wanted my revenge, but he wanted it more. I don't even know why he brought me back to life. If you could even call me a living human. I became a monster. Maybe not my body, but my soul. I took over her body. An innocent human's body. 

She had a sister, they came to this place often. It was a cozy office and it was abandoned. I'm not that cruel to take a life, but he wanted me to. 

He wanted me to kill Jimin. I admit, she made my life miserable knowing I wanted him to myself. Jackson Wang. She stole him from me. He was supposed to be my mate. I saw the signs, and even checked them, but the second she entered the picture, his heart, and mate changed. I wasn't able to switch it back, or find out who his new mate was. 

Was I jealous? I was. My blood boiled every time I saw those two together. I couldn't take it. I took my life, or well tried to. My body may have died, but my soul didn't. He found me almost instantly.

As soon as I took over Jasmin's body, I felt power i never felt before. I could make anyone do what I wanted with just a bite. I heard my phone ring as I saw his ID on the caller.


"Serina, did you release everyone else?" 

"Mhm I did, cept Jimin like you said"

"And did anything happen to Yoongi?"

"Nothing happened to him, he was unconscious for a while that's about it, and you never told me he was already changed" 

"I changed him myself a while ago, anyways take care of Jimin, I'll be there in a few days." 

I heard the line go dead on the other end as I put my phone down. Him and Yoongi? I don't know what was going on with the both of them, or when he got changed, but I'll have to go with the flow I suppose. 


I apologize for such short chapters sobb

I really dk what i'm doing anymore suifhuyfdf 



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