Explanations :)

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Before i complete this ima just explain some stuff that makes no sense (to me at least)

Human like senses

Ok so for one yes, they can feel heat, and coldness. They can survive on 'human food' without dying, or it tasting bland. They're not technically vampires. They're still humans so yeah they have a sense of heat, and they only have to hunt once a week. They can also feel pain (Like when Jackson cut him self and started bleeding), but again this will only last for a year, until they turn into full vampire. 


Ok so i mentioned some powers in the book like speed, and teleportation. They all have powers but i'll explain the ones mentioned.

TAEMIN: Ok so Taemin has teleportation, speed (which all of them have) And healing powers. He can only heal people while they're still alive tho

JACKSON: Ok Jackson has speed and strength (like everyone else) but he also has the ability to take over bodies like when he took over Jimin

NAMJOON: K so Joonie was mentioned near the end, he has mind reading powers and ofc with that 148 iq he really doesn't need it :) Cause he probably knows everyone well but ofc ofc to discover secret power ykkk???

JASMIN: Jassy was a bit complicated cause it was mainly Serina using her powers, but Jassys powers is manipulation. She can take over the persons body and what they say with a tiny bite, but not their thoughts. Like Jackson basically

LAILA: Laila has the power to see the past and future. For the past she has to have an object that'll help her see what happened, and for the future she can see it only when someone she knows is in danger. Kind of like Alice from Twilight. Unlike the other three when Laila uses her powers it'll drain her, and she'll end up with serious headaches or she'll faint or fall asleep.

MARK: Mark...his powers are basically somewhat the opposite of Taemins. He can heal anyone who's dead but not anyone with a steady heartbeat. (does that make sense?) he can find souls and all basically :) He's a soul hunter

SOULMATE POWERS: Basically if you're tied to someone you can save them as many times possible. Like Jackson with Joon, Laila with Hobi, Alissa and Jimin, Jungkook and Jassy. I didn't mention Lexi a lot in this but yeah Lexi and Taemin


Dying is simple. Twilight logic. Head off or Burned


Yes Serina took over Jassy before she met Jungkook butttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt the jassy that was with Kookie was the real jassy not the bitchy Serina :)))




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