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"Stop screaming Jimin" - His inner voice spoke up

"Why am i here again" - He cried

"You're time remember. You're supposed to be gone in the next 5 minutes, but she saved you. Whatever happened with Mark was supposed to be you getting bit, but ever since she entered your life and got tied with you, she ended up taking your place" 

"W-what...no she can't. She can't leave me"

"Your fate got changed Jimin. We can't predict anything anymore. We don't know if she'll die or not." 

"She can't die. SHE CAN'T DIE. SAVE HER PLEASE" 

"She got bit remember. You bit her cause you were under manipulation, but that doesn't change anything. She was bit before, and the venom didn't spread as much then, but now it's unpredictable. She could die from the venom, or get changed" 

His sobs got louder as a figure approached him.

"Jimin, go see her. You need to snap out of this. Go see her" - The figure said, sitting beside him placing it's hand on his face.

He disappeared as his eyes fluttered open in the real world. 

{Jimin's POV}

I gasped back to life as I looked around. I was in a hospital. I saw people staring at me and Alissa who was on the other bed as I got up. 

"Jimin you need to stay in bed"

"What time is it??"

"It's almost a 12 am why Jimin?"

"She can't die. I need to save her" - I said moving closer to her bed.

I felt tears slip down as I saw her lifeless frame. The heartbeat monitor beeping.

"Alissa, wake up. Please. You need to. I can't be here without you." 

The monitor made a loud beeping noise as I widened my eyes in shock tears falling out soft sobs coming out. 

Without thinking, i pressed my lips to hers. Ice cold, no reaction. The tears continued flowing down as I heard soft cries coming from everyone else. I backed off as I rushed towards her brother. I grabbed him by the collar as the tears he was holding back slipped down. 

"Save her. JUST SAVE HER" - I said desperately
"I-I can't Jimin. She died due to the venom, i can't save her" - He said

I moved away walking towards everyone in the room. Slight tears running down from everyone's face. I ran my hand through my hair as I fell to the floor, crying. She was gone. The girl I loved since we were kids. Was gone. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I pushed it off angry at myself. I walked out of the room as I heard them call out to me.

I walked to the roof as the warm summer breeze hit me. I stood on the ledge my vision blurry due to my tears. 

"I'M SORRY, I'M SO FUCKING SORRY I COULDN'T SAVE YOU" - I screamed on top of my lungs. I felt my legs wanting to give out as I took a deep breathe. Stepping onto the thin roof top, preparing myself. I can't live without her. I don't deserve to live if she took my fate. 

Just as I was about to put one foot off the roof...

I don't wanna die :) But mhm 



Revenge: A Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now