🔪 Chapter 21: Cleaning up (UPDATED)

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Please Read! Trigger Warning: Mention of Blood, Mention of Suicide, and Poison

This chapter contains mention of blood, mention of suicide, and poison that may be upsetting for some readers. Please proceed at your own risk or you can skip to the next chapter.

Edited on: 05/03/2024

Steven's POV

I spent the whole day cleaning up the mess and I left a small set-up inside Mr. Creed's apartment. Even though the mug is shattered, I just have to leave it there and I put the rat poison somewhere around the apartment.  I even had to give up one of my jars, filled with some leftover coffee. And I have to fill up his kettle with water.

I'm trying to make it look like a suicide scene. 

And it's simple. 

First off, why would Mr. Creed 'commit suicide'?

Let's just say he was still mourning and devastated by his sister's death, Miss Victoria, until now. He may look fine but he's depressed.

Second - why would he use rat poison?

Let's just say that he wanted to end the pain. He knew what a large dose of rat poison can do to a person once it's inside of you but he was carried away by his grief, wanting to end the pain. He was an old man anyway.

Third - how did I know about this information?

Let's just say that we would spend time together during our free time and he would talk about that sad stuff and I 'tried' my best to 'comfort him' but he wouldn't listen.

Fourth - when was the last time I saw Mr. Creed and how did I find out about his suicide?

Now, this is a bit tricky for me. But after a lot of thinking and planning, I would just make it simple.

The last time I saw Mr. Creed was at school cause we were cleaning the gym earlier and we were instructed to take the rest of the day off. I went ahead to run some errands and he headed off to the apartment. Then I decided to check up on him. He handed me a copy of his key cause he said that he would forget his keys from time to time. I open the door and I found him... dead.

I'm sure they will believe me. If there are any other questions that they would ask me, I will keep it simple and try not to fucking screw it up.

This building is quite old and they don't bother fixing some stuff nowadays. I heard most of the security cameras are broken so this is going well (so far).

I was planning to get rid of his body but that would take too much of my time since I'm so fucking tired.

I just have to call 911 and pretend to panic.

I pull out my phone and dial 911. 

I waited and after two rings, they answered.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hello, I came to check on my neighbor and I found him on his chair and there's blood. I don't know what happened."

"Oh okay, sir, could you tell me your name and your address."

"My name is Seth, Seth Walker and we live in an apartment that is just near Wood Creek University."

"Oh okay, could you give me a description of the apartment building and what's your floor and room number?"

They continue asking questions and I just go along with it.

Step one, done.

They told me not to end the call and they said help was on the way.

Now I have to wait. I wonder what my next move will be.

I killed someone and now I want to do more.

I want to kill more.

Stain my hands with blood.

I'm doing whatever it takes to get rid of whoever gets in my way or whoever pisses me off.

Just wait and see.

Edited on: 05/03/2024


Hello there! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'm also wondering what is Steven's (or Seth's) next plan. Well, looks like I have to do more planning and writing later before updating more chapters.

I'll see you in the next chapter!

- emopastelgirl^_^

Edited on: 05/03/2024

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