🔪Chapter 34: Save Yourself (UPDATED)

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Please Read! Trigger Warning: Physical Violence, Mention of Stabbing, and Mention of sharp object (Knife)

This chapter contains Physical Violence, Mention of Stabbing, and Mention of sharp object (Knife)that may be upsetting for some readers. Please proceed at your own risk or you can skip to the next chapter.

Edited on: 05/06/2024

Stefan's POV

"This is like deja vu, Stefan," Steven said. "It's like only yesterday that we were like this, back in our old house," Steven said.

"Aurora doesn't deserve any of this. Let her go." I said.

Steven chuckled and looked at his knife. "You're right, she doesn't. But she won't listen to me and she just won't admit that she wants me. I won't rest until I have her in my arms."

I spotted an old wooden bat next to him, lying on the ground. If I could just grab it as quickly as I can and knock him out cold. And maybe lock him up in the closet.

"Now enough chatting, let's get this over with so I can continue looking for her." He said as he charged himself towards me but I pushed him to the ground and I quickly ran towards the bat and grabbed it.

I quickly grabbed the bat and as I turned around, I saw him running towards me with a knife but I dodged it and moved to the other side.

"You think a bat is gonna kill me?" Steven scoffed.

I didn't bother to answer him and I need to prepare myself for his next move. 

He then starts moving and starts swinging his knife but I managed to dodge every move.

"Now this is getting boring, do something, Stefan! Or are you too scared to hurt your little brother?"

"That's enough, Steven." I swung the bat and I managed to hit him by the ribs and he screamed in pain as he fell to the floor.


While he's still on the floor, I swing the bat again and hit him again. And again and again.

Until... he knocks out.

I panted and I dropped the bat. I start walking away, looking for Aurora and her friends.

But then... I felt something on my back. Like I got... stabbed.

"I'm not finished yet," Steven said as he stabbed me again, this time on the left side of my body, I ended up falling to the ground and my vision became dark.

Aurora's POV

Cora and I panted as we stopped running for a while. I pull out my pocket knife and I cut the duct tape off of her arms.

"Okay, there you go," I said as she started massaging her wrists. "Are you alright?"

"Why is Seth doing this?" She asked.

"Cora, his name is not Seth. His real name is Steven." I said.

"What?" I know she's confused but I can only explain everything to her once we're safe and once this is all over.

"I know you're scared and confused but we don't have much time. He's very dangerous and crazy. I'll explain everything to you once this is all over. But we have to look for the others and get some help now." I said.

I can't just keep on dragging her with me. She might get killed because of me and Steven. And I know Steven is only after me. This is between me and him and I have to end this.

"Cora, I want you to take this, just in case." I give her my safety keychain. "This is a safety keychain that my brother gave me. Use any of it to defend yourself but I need you to look for Eddie and Leo. And find an exit and get some help."

"No, Aurora, let's just stick together. I'm scared." She said, grabbing my arm.

"I know, I know, you're scared but you need to trust me on this. Steven is after me and I can't let you get hurt because of me. I have to end this and face him myself. I was scared like you years ago but I need to face this. You're brave and if anything happens, use this safety keychain, run, and save yourself." I said.

"You'll be careful, right?" She asked.

I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, don't worry."

She let out a heavy sigh. "Okay. So I'll look for Eddie and Leo, find an exit, and get some help, right?"

"Yes, that's right," I said. "Now go and hurry." 

She nodded and started running away.

I let out a sigh and I started walking away. 

Then I felt someone grabbing me and covering my mouth. 

I tried to scream but my screams got muffled by someone's hand.

"Stop struggling. It will be all over soon, Aurora." A familiar voice spoke and I tried to get away.

I got a glance at the person and it is none other than... Steven.

He lets out a sigh and starts carrying me and his knife is right at my neck.

"Put the knife down, Steven, please," I said.

"The more you struggle, the more you'll get hurt. If you move so much, the knife might cut your neck and you'll start bleeding. Now I'm taking you back from where we started and play this game fair and square."

Edward's POV

"She could be anywhere," I said.

"We'll find her," Leo said. "Wait, what's that?"

He pointed at someone and I saw someone sitting on the floor. But I can smell... blood?

We started walking towards the person but we stopped as soon as we got a closer look. It's a security guard and it looks like his throat got slit.

"Holy shit," Leo spoke.

I looked up and I saw some words written on the wall.

"That crazy bastard," I mumbled to myself.

"Eddie? Leo?" I heard someone's voice calling out to us.

It's a girl's voice but it doesn't sound like Aurora.

"Eddie? Leo? Anyone?" A figure appeared and I realized it was only Cora.

"Cora," Leo called out and she turned around.

"There you guys are," Cora said as she approached us.

"Are you okay?" Leo asked.

"A little. We need to get out of here and call for help." She said and I spotted something familiar in her hand. It's Aurora's safety keychain.

"Where's Aurora? That's her safety keychain. Where is she?" I asked.

"She told me to take this and told me to look for you. She's going to face Steven."

"By herself?" I asked.

"Yes but that's what she needs to do, she said it herself," Cora said.

"I'm going after her and look for her. I made a promise." I said as I started walking away.

"But Eddie, what about us?" Leo asked.

"Look for an exit and call for help right away. Go and hurry!" I said as I started running.

Edited on: 05/06/2024

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