🔪Chapter 29: Locker Room (UPDATED)

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Please Read! Trigger Warning: Physical Violence

This chapter contains Physical Violence that may be upsetting for some readers. Please proceed at your own risk or you can skip to the next chapter.

Edited on: 05/06/2024

Heather's POV

My last class for the day just ended and I am on my way back to the dorm building.

I decided to check on my phone but then I realized, I put my phone in my duffle bag and I didn't have my duffle bag with me either.

"Great, just fucking great," I muttered.

I realized I left my duffle bag at the gym, in my locker. I let out a groan and I turned around to head back to the gym, to the locker room.

Once I arrived at the gym, I headed inside and walked towards the locker room. I walk inside the locker room and start looking for my locker.

My locker is located at the very end of the locker room which is fucking fantastic.

Then I heard a door being opened but everything went quiet.

"Hello?" I called out and... nothing. 

Weird but I just kept on walking so I could get my duffle bag and my phone and get out of here.

Once I get to my locker, I unlock it, open my duffle bag, and grab my phone. I found out that I had two missed calls from Ro and a voice message from her.

I unlocked my phone and I decided to listen to the voice message.

"Hey Heather, if you get this message, please come to the dorm room after your last class, I have something to tell you. I have no classes later so I'll wait for you in the room. Okay, see you." 

After listening to the voice message, I turned off my phone, and then I heard something from afar.


No answer. 

"I can hear you. This is not funny. Come out or just knock it off." 

Then nothing. I let out a sigh and shook my head. I grab my duffle bag out of my locker and close my locker.

"Hello... Heather." I turned around and I saw someone dressed in black.

"You! Quit the fucking act!" I shouted.

"It seems to me that Aurora is not here with you. Or more like, she's not here to save you. To make things easy for both of us... just tell me. Aurora and I will leave you guys alone and we'll go as far away as possible." The hooded person said as he started walking towards me and I started backing away.

"No way in hell. " I said as I started running away from him and he started chasing me.

I look up and I can see that I am close to the door. But then he grabbed my hair and my waist.

"Let go of me, you fucking psychopath!" I shouted.

"Okay, it's your call." He said.

Then he tightens his grip on my hair and he pushes me and I crash into the lockers and I feel a painful feeling in my head and my body. He grabs my face and he pushes me again.

"Ahh!" I shouted and he let go of my face. I closed my eyes and I found myself on the ground.

"I could finish you right here, right now. But I have other things to worry about." He said but I could barely hear him.

My vision became heavy and blurry.

"You... don't you dare lay your hands on her!" I shouted with the last bit of my energy.

"Watch me." He said before leaving the room.

I can hear my heartbeat and while I still have energy, I reached my hand out to my phone and grabbed it.

"Shit." I unlock my phone and I try to contact Aurora. 

The phone starts ringing and I put it on speaker.

"Hello? Heather?"

Finally, she picks up the phone.

"Ro... you gotta help me... and hurry," I said.

Aurora's POV

"Heather, where are you?" I asked.

"At the gym... locker... room." She said but she mumbled the last word. She's in the locker room.

"I'm on my way," I said as I ended the phone call. "We gotta go, I'm sorry Mr. Wright." 

I grabbed Eddie's arm and we headed out, on our way to the gym.

"What's going on?" Eddie asked.

"Heather is in danger," I answered.

Luckily the gym is not too far away.

Once we arrived at the gym, we ran towards the locker room and we saw some students standing by the doorway.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" I said. We headed inside and I found Heather lying on the floor.

"Oh my God," I said, getting down on my knees and slowly moving Heather.

"Heather? Heather? Wake up!"

She's not responding.

"Eddie... call an ambulance," I said to Eddie.

Eddie pulls out his phone and starts calling an ambulance.

"Heather, hang in there," I said to her.

An hour and a half passed, an ambulance finally arrived and they said that Heather would be taken to the hospital.

"Heather, please be okay," I whispered to her before they took her away. I decided to call Heather's parents and tell them about Heather.

After calling them, they said that they'd be on their way.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked myself.

I looked around and I spotted Stefan, walking and looking confused.

"Eddie, there's Stefan," I said to Eddie. "Let's go to him."

Eddie suddenly grabbed my hand. "Are you sure that's Stefan?"

"Yes, trust me," I said. I hold his hand and we walk towards Stefan.

Stefan spotted us and he walked towards us.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked.

"I think it's best if we talk about it in private," I said.

"Okay, where?" He asked.

"Anywhere," I said. He nodded and we started walking, to someplace private, so we could talk things out.

Edited on: 05/06/2024

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