🔪 Chapter 0: Nightmare (UPDATED)

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Edited on: 09/05/2023

Please Read! Trigger Warning: Themes of Sexual Trauma, certain sounds(loud voices/yelling) and sights related to trauma, nightmares about traumatic events, mention of blood

This chapter contains trigger warnings and themes of sexual trauma that may be upsetting for some readers. Please proceed at your own risk or you can skip to the next chapter.


I slowly open my eyes and I shut them close again because of the bright light. Where am I? I open my eyes again. I looked around and I found myself lying down on a bed, with my legs spread out. Why am I here? What's going on?

All of a sudden, I can feel something moving in my stomach. Then a person, wearing a white coat, surgical gloves, and mask, starts walking toward me.

"Alright, whenever you're ready. Just breathe in and out and push as hard as you can."

"What? No, I'm supposed to abort the baby. Not like this, please!" I pleaded as tears started to fall from my eyes. "I don't want this! Please!"

"Then you should have said no to him while you still have the chance. But no... you "froze" and let him do this to you."

"Shut up!" Then I started to feel unbearable pain and I started screaming.

"Okay, it's coming! Push as hard as you can!"

I have no choice. I started pushing and pushing.

"One more push!"

I breathe in and out and push one more time.

"Ahhh!" I screamed. "I can't! I can't!"

"You can! Now push!"

I scream and scream and scream through my gritted teeth as I push as hard as I can.

Then... everything went silent for a moment. And then I can hear a baby crying.

Suddenly, I felt something... or someone, holding my wrist. I looked down and I saw a hand, that came out of nowhere, holding onto my wrist.

"Congratulations." A nurse walked towards us and I couldn't believe what my eyes just witnessed. She was holding a bloody towel and she showed a baby all covered in blood and it started crying but louder this time. "It's a boy."

"W-What is this?" I whispered.

"Well done, honey." I froze just by hearing that voice. I slowly looked up at the person and my eyes just widened and I started to panic.

It's Steven.

"Now we can be together forever."

"Ahh!" I screamed.


Aurora's POV

My breath hitched and I gasped for air. I jerk out of my bed and I can feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead, face, and neck. I can also feel tears forming in my eyes but I quickly wipe them off.

I grab my phone and check the time. It's almost 4 in the morning. I let out a sigh and I decided to go to the bathroom to wash up.

I turn on the lights and I look at myself in the mirror before turning the faucet on. Even without touching the water, I can feel that it's cold as ice. Then I quickly wash my face.

After washing my face, I grab a towel and dry my face off before heading out of the bathroom.

Since I am already wide awake, I decided to go out to my balcony and wait for the sun to rise.

I grab my phone and my blanket before I open the door and the cold air swiftly hits my face. I shivered and chills just went down my spine.

I put my phone down on the table, grab a chair then I sit down as I cover my body with my thick, warm blanket.

I can hear the faint sounds of birds chirping in the distance. It's so calm and peaceful which gives me the feeling that I'm the only one awake at this hour.

But I don't mind. I grab my phone from the table and play some soft music.

I put my phone back on the table and I breathe in and out and wait for the sunrise.

"It's been four years already... I wish those nightmares could just go away." I whispered.


Hello there! This is may be short but I hope you enjoy this very first part of the sequel!

I hope you enjoy reading this chapter!

New chapters coming soon!

-emopastelgirl ^_^

Edited on: 09/05/2023

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