Author's Note 2024 + My plans for Wattpad

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Hello there! It's been a long time since the last updated chapter (even though I just updated a chapter awhile ago hahaha) and I hope you're all doing well. I would like to leave this note so I hope you'll take the time to read it..

I've been inactive on Wattpad lately since last December and last month because I'm back in college and been a bit busy with schoolwork. And also because I've been dealing with probably my longest writer's block ever. I am still writing down my ideas and my plans for my stories but just on my phone.

And speaking of plans, I'll be sharing my plans for Wattpad. I'll be busy for the following months and even though I have some free time within my schedule, I mostly use my free time for schoolwork and studying. I'm mostly free during the weekends but I use the time to either study my lessons in advance or rest and take care of myself after a long week.

I will still edit and update the sequel but maybe only one or two chapters a week during my free time when I have nothing else to do.

And also, 'The Stepbrother' reached almost 893k reads! Thank you so much for the endless amount of love and support and thank you for taking the time to read it! I appreciate it so much and you guys are amazing!

As for my other stories, they will be put ON HOLD for awhile but I already have written my ideas and plans for those other stories so we'll just have to wait and see.

Maybe once summer vacation will arrive, I will be more active on Wattpad.

There will be some stories that I will either delete or unpublish or rewrite everything from top to bottom with more polished plot/storyline.

So I guess those are my plans for Wattpad for now, depending on my schedule.

I hope you're all doing well lately and please take care of yourselves!

That's all and take care!

- emopastelgirl ^^

The Stepbrother II: Hide and Seek With Vengeance (UPDATED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora