🔪Chapter 32: Come Out to Play (UPDATED)

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Edited on: 05/06/2024

Aurora's POV

I continued to run and whenever I  tried to open a door, it was either locked or luckily open. But it doesn't lead me to a path where I can escape. Steven blocks some of the staircases with chairs and tables that he could find in the school.

I could just knock them over but the problem is that I have to be quiet so Steven won't find me that easily. 

Also, my hands are still tied up together. I stopped running for a bit and I leaned my back against the wall. The self-defense keychain is in the left pocket of my jacket. I think I could reach it but I have to extend my right arm while reaching for the keychain with my fingers.

I bite my lip, trying not to make a sound. Steven tied my hands together very tightly but that didn't stop me. I put the tips of my fingers into the pocket, I can feel the cold feeling of the keychain and I try to pull it out. 

But then I stopped and I realized if I tried to pull the keychain, I might pull and trigger the alarm of the keychain, which will make a noise.

I tried to think of another way to get rid of the duct tape.  Then I remember the technique that can help to break the duct tape.

I raised my hands over my head as high as I could. Then in one quick move, I bring my arms down, while forcing my elbows to go past my ribcage. Of course, it didn't work in one try.

I repeat the technique over and over again. I tried it for the fifth time and finally, my hands were free from the duct tape. I pull off the duct tape and I massage my wrists.

I let out a sigh and I look around the area. This whole school is dark and I can barely see a thing.

"Aurora..." Shit, it's Steven.

I looked around the area once again and I decided to turn right and I tried to move as quietly as possible.

"I wonder where you've been hiding?" Steven said out loud. "You better start praying that I won't find you."

Why does this school have to be goddamn big? I don't even know where I'm going but I hope someplace safe.

Edward's POV

I blink and open my eyes and I look at my surroundings. I noticed that I was in a classroom. I get up from the floor and my head hurts.

Wait... shit, Aurora. I need to call her. I put my hands in my pockets but then I realized, my phone was gone. I must have dropped it but I know something happened before I ended up in here.  

I was just on the search for Cora and then I heard footsteps behind me. I saw a figure and he called out my name. I heard the familiar voice... it was Steven.

He knocked me out. 

He knocked me out and he took me in here. He took my phone as well. 

I looked at the classroom and I spotted a yellow post-it note on one of the chairs and I took it to read it.

'She's MINE. Not yours, MINE.'

I crumpled the note and threw it away. I walk towards the door and twist the doorknob. It's locked. I looked out from the small window of the door and he blocked the door with chairs and tables.

I let out a sigh and I heard some noises from the closet at the very back of the classroom. I slowly walked closer to the closet and I took a deep breath before I opened it. 

I open the closet and I found... 


He's all tied up. 

I took the duct tape off of his mouth and he gasped for air.

"Eddie, untie me." He said.

I untie his restraints and help him get out of the closet. 

"What happened?" He asked.

"It's Steven. He knocked us out and locked us up in here. We need to get out of here and look for Aurora and the others. Do you have a phone?"

He checked his pockets. 

"No." He said.

"Shit. Let's just break down the door." I said.

We run towards the door and try to break the door down.

Aurora... please be safe.

Aurora's POV

It felt like I had been going around in circles. Or it's more like I'm in a maze.

"Aurora." I heard Steven's voice again. He's close.

I lean my back against the wall and I move my head slowly to take a look. I immediately pulled my head back when I saw Steven looking around.

I looked to my right and I saw a dark hallway. I could throw something and distract him. All I could find was a pencil that was on the floor.

I pick it up and I throw it as far as I can. The pencil made a loud sound and I assume that it hit something.

"You're making this game way too easy, Aurora," Steven said as he walked down the hallway. I made sure that he was far away before I could make my move.

I slowly and quietly continued moving and I found a staircase, going down.

I look back before I head down the stairs. Once I got down the stairs, more chairs and tables blocked the path. I let out a sigh and then I heard a loud thud from upstairs. It's Steven.

I have no choice but to go over the tables and chairs. All I need to do is to step over the tables one by one. The only problem is that I have to be quiet.

I get up on the table and try to step onto another table. I stepped on top of another table and all I needed to do was to get down from the table and try not to make a sound. 

But then I accidentally pulled down a chair and it made a loud sound. 

"Do you want me to find you that easy, Aurora? Ready or not, here I come!" He shouted and I quickly got off the table and started running.

I run and run until I can look for a room or a closet that is not locked.

I finally found a room and the door was not locked. I head inside and hide for a while.

Edited on: 05/06/2024

The Stepbrother II: Hide and Seek With Vengeance (UPDATED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora