🔪Chapter 28: Messed up (UPDATED)

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Please Read! Trigger Warning: Blood

This chapter contains Blood that may be upsetting for some readers. Please proceed at your own risk or you can skip to the next chapter.

Edited on: 05/05/2024

Aurora's POV

"Hey Heather, if you get this message, please come to the dorm room after your last class, I have something to tell you. I have no classes later so I'll wait for you in the room. Okay, see you." Since Heather is not answering her phone probably because she has class right now, I sent her a voice message. Now I'm on my way to the dorm room.

I kept on looking around the campus after what happened to Leo. He could be anywhere.

I just arrived at the dorm building and I look back, just to make sure. I head up the stairs to my dorm room.

Once I arrived at the door of my dorm room, I noticed a gap, meaning the door was opened by... someone else. It was probably Heather. Maybe she went back here to grab something before her next class cause she always does that.

I just shake my head and walk inside the room. I look up and my eyes widen and I drop my things.

The room is a total mess. My stuff is everywhere. I looked around and one side of the wall caught my attention.

There are a lot of photos... of me, on the wall. Then I noticed notes on the wall written in red ink. Then there were letters on the bed, I started picking them up then I started removing the pictures on the wall.

This can't be happening... this is not happening.

I read some of the notes and letters and I can feel chills running down my spine.

I started picking up the notes, letters, and pictures into my bag and I also started taking pictures of my room as proof then I spotted something red on my desk. I walk towards my desk and I can feel goosebumps on my arms.

 I walk towards my desk and I can feel goosebumps on my arms

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Shit. Shit. 

He's here. 

He's here. 

Edward's POV

I just enter the dorm building and I head inside my dorm room. As soon as I opened the door, I noticed all of my stuff was messed up as if there was a tornado in here. I looked around and I saw a yellow post-it note on my table.

I pick it up and it says; 'Get ready... cause here I come.'

"What the fuck." I mumbled to myself. 

Shit, I need to look for Aurora. I dropped my stuff and quickly headed out of my room.

Aurora's POV

I head out of my room but then I felt like I tripped on something. I looked down and I saw a familiar box. I pick it up but as soon as I recognize it, I scream and I drop it as I can hear that music in my head. 

"Ahh! No!" I screamed and headed out of my room and I grabbed my hair.

"Aurora?" I turned around and I saw Cora approaching me. "What's wrong?"

"He's here! He's here!" I shouted as I grabbed her arms.

"Who's here?" She asked and I kept on looking back and forth. I didn't have time to answer her so I started running away and headed down the stairs.

"Ro? Aurora? What happened?" I turned around and I saw Eddie approaching me.

"Eddie, thank goodness, you're here," I said. "Something happened in my room."

"Same with my room." He said.

"Oh no, he's here. He's here." I said and I looked down and I realized I was holding my bag filled with notes, letters, and disturbing pictures of me that I found in the dorm room. "And I found these in my room." I grabbed some pictures and showed them to him.

He looks at them one by one and his eyes widen up. "That motherfucker..."

"Let's go and look for Leo and talk to his Dad," I said and we headed out of the dorm building and started looking for the principal's office.

After asking some students and teachers, we finally found the principal's office and we just headed inside the room.

"What the hell?" Leo's Dad spoke as he stood up from his seat.

"Eddie? Aurora?" Leo called out. "What's going on?"

"Something happened in our dorm rooms." Eddie began. "Mr. Wright, I'm sorry that we just barged in but we need to talk to you about something."

Mr. Wright let out a sigh. "Go ahead."

Eddie told me to go first and I nodded.

"Mr. Wright, I just came back from my last class and I headed inside my dorm room and everything was a mess. And I found these." I pull out all of the pictures, notes, and letters from my bag and show them to him.

He looks at them and he furrowed his eyebrows. "What in the world?"

"The same thing happened to my dorm room as well, Mr. Wright and I found this," Eddie spoke and he placed a yellow post-it note. "If you could look at the handwriting, I believe the handwriting is the same."

"What the- this better not be a joke. And Leo, you probably planned this."

"What? Dad, no! I would never plan something like this. This is serious!" Leo said.

"And if this is not any of your doing, then who the hell was it?"

I close my eyes and let out a shaky breath.

"Mr. Wright, I know who it is," I spoke.

"Ro..." Eddie spoke but I tapped his hand, to let me talk and explain everything.

"I'm not gonna hide it anymore, Eddie," I said to him. "My stepbrother is doing this."

"Care to explain, Miss Aurora?" He said. 

"The pictures, the notes, the letters, and the person who attacked Leo... is my stepbrother. But... he doesn't go to school here, meaning he could have disguised himself so no one would suspect him. He's a dangerous person and none of this is a joke. He won't stop at nothing." I explained. "Years ago, he did horrible things to me, to my family, and to my friends and some people who were involved in my life. He should be in a mental asylum but he fooled everyone."

"Jesus Christ... " He said as he massaged his temples.

Before I opened my mouth, I felt a vibration and I realized it was my phone. I pull it out and it's a call from Heather.

"Hello? Heather?"

"Ro... you gotta help me... and  hurry."

Edited on: 05/05/2024

The Stepbrother II: Hide and Seek With Vengeance (UPDATED)Where stories live. Discover now