Ante Up

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M.O.P. Ante Up Lyrics

Them thugs you know, aint friendly
Them jewels you rock, make 'em envy
You thinkin it's all good, you creep through a small hood
Goons comin up outta a cut for your goods and they all should
Ante Up! Yap that fool!
You want big money, kidnap that fool!
If you up in the club, back out your pis-tal money
Catch them fools at the bar for that Cristal money

Ezra stared at the Sith Holocron and he could hear an elderly woman whisper to him. The key to stopping the Empire is within but you must find the way to use the key. Until then tap into your anger, your frustration, your hatred of the Empire. So Ezra listened to the voice within the Holocron and placed the dark object in his pocket. Ezra tapped into his frustration and channeled the Force. He could sense where Zeb last was before the explosive blast hit them last night. Yet where Zeb ended up was still unclear. At the very least the dark side of the Force allowed Ezra to stay one step ahead of Imperial authorities while searching for his friend in the junkyard.

"Ezra I'm sending Sabine your way to help you find Zeb. I need you to be more cooperative. You're a lieutenant within Phoenix Cell which means privates within our cell are counting on you. You need to finish what you came to Harlem to do and make it back to our new base." Hera said through Ezra's earpiece

"I know. I understand. It's just I'm tired of our people losing. I need to a win against the Empire even if it's a small win."

"I understand your frustration Ezra but we're all in this together. That's why I'm sending Sabine to help you. You're not alone Ezra." Hera reassured

Ezra felt relaxed and at ease hearing Hera's voice and after a moment he managed to find the right words to express his thoughts.

"Thanks Hera for everything that you do and for looking out for me."

"You welcome Ezra. Contact me if you need anything."

Ezra continued his search through the junkyard for Zeb no longer listening to the whispers from the Sith Holocron.


"Luke I don't like this at all. You need to find Chico. If you don't then he'll end up dead just like Shameek." Pop said

The mood in the barbershop was somber as the news of Shameek's murder spread throughout the neighborhood. Pop closed the shop early due to low amount of customers throughout the day. Everyone in the neighborhood knew Cottonmouth was responsible but nobody spoke about their suspicions publicly. Emperor Palpatine had control of the entire planet and Harlem residents knew that and acknowledged this fact as reality but in day to day life Cottonmouth was the Emperor in the Harlem neighborhood. Any word against him meant severe punishment or worse death.

Luke only spent a couple of months in Harlem so all of this surprised him. As much as Luke disliked Shameek he felt sorry for him and his family. He wished he could do something for this neighborhood but Luke knew it would be pointless. Luke would attract too much attention and the Empire would find him. He also knew the Empire will never find evidence to prove it was Cottonmouth. Instead the Empire would arrest him for having special abilities and then they would put Harlem under severe lockdown. Luke already witnessed this pattern in Hell's Kitchen a few months ago and he didn't want this repeated in Harlem.

Bobby Fish stopped playing his chess game against a customer named Turk and wiped tears from his eyes. He interrupted Pop and Luke to make a suggestion.

"Perhaps if Luke finds Chico and we bring him to the shop. Hide him in the back room and make a parley with Cottonmouth. Barbershop is considered Switzerland in Harlem. Nobody attacks the barbershop and nobody fights one another here even if they're on opposing factions. Even Cottonmouth gets his men to follow that principle. So we save Chico by having Luke bring him here."

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