Strong in the Force, Your Family Is

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With the windows blown out cool air poured into the room. It was enough to stir Danny into alertness and get him stand him. He chased after Harold who dragged an unconcious Ward to the roof above the penthouse. Danny felt guilty leaving an unconcious Joy alone as he saw an Imperial Enforcer Droid carried a wounded Grand Admiral Thrawn away out of the penthouse. He saw the roof was slightly damaged with poles sticking out of it in a random scattered pattern.

"You really are going to go out of your way to save someone that doesn't even like you?" Harold mocked

He held Ward over the ledge of the penthouse. Danny held out his hand to calm Harold and make an offer.

"Please don't kill Ward. You can still offer me up to the Emperor. Just let him go."

Harold started laughing.

"You're weak just like your father Wendell. It still vexes me he was the 1st CEO of Rand Enterprises and not me. Fine I'll just toss Ward aside instead of throwing him away." Harold said

He tossed Ward aside but threw an arm length sized pole at Danny with incredible speed. Danny barely dodged the pole surprised by Harold's quick reflexes. Danny grimaced in pain when he saw his arm sport a dark purple bruised. He realized the Hand's ressurection technique increased Harold's strength and speed to a slight degree. Danny was slowly recovering from the noxious gas that blocked his ability to access the Iron Fist, the damage to his right knee from Thrawn, and this new injury to his right arm putting him at a severe disadvantage in this battle.

"Is that why you killed my parents? Because you thought they were weak?" Danny accused

"The Empire is a jungle Danny. Survival of the fittest. Only the strong and the merciless thrive. Your father and mother were too soft. They wouldn't have lasted long in the Empire behaving that way. My daughter Joy has that cut throat approach in her but you and Ward are dead weight." Harold said

"How could you? You were like an uncle to me and you and my dad were like brothers? Yet you threw all that away for power." Danny asked enraged

In anger Danny rushed to attack Harold before he could answer. Harold dodged Danny's attacks and tripped him so he fell on his face. Danny got up again and did a spin kick which Harold dodged. He followed that up with strikes to his upper chest area but Harold blocked both strikes with his right and left elbow. He countered with a precise blow to Danny's ribs. Danny grimaced in pain as the cumulative effects of injuries suffered in his earlier battles with Bakuto and Thrawn took their toll on his body.

"Thrawn's shtick was the hardest to figure out. His presence definitely complicated things. One thing helped me though. Discovered I had a golden opportunity to be at the top of the food chain by using the droid Gao left me. It could eavesdrop on certain Imperial frequencies as well as the frequencies your Rebel friends use to communicate. I learned Thrawn's tactical skills come from analyzing art or cultural landmarks. Well you and me are the two things he couldn't figure out.

You're a homeless barefoot wandering monk, while I've been locked in a penthouse with luxury art items Gao purchased not me. Why else would Thrawn lure you here and leak the recording of me confessing to killing your parents to Jessica Jones? It was to figure out what made us tick. So I thank you for helping me outsmart Thrawn. It gave me the opportunity to be the undisputed ruler of New York/Lothal." Harold boasted

Danny frowned and thought about his parents. He closed his eyes and he could feel the connection to his qi returning. Without even looking and before Harold could stop him he struck the ground. Harold was pushed backward and landed hard on his back. The Fist glowed so bright that any passerby on the sidewalk below could see it. Danny knew an Imperial patrol detail would be arriving soon.

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