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"Ketsyu I'm going to need your help.  Things with Cage have gotten intense. I need you to stick around longer and I'll double your pay. Just listen for a specific frequency and that'll be your sign that a threat needs to be dealt with. With the Imperials getting to involved in things I'm taking action. You're going to break into an Imperial facility and get me the Mandalorian weapons cache I promised Domingo." Cottonmouth explained

"Understood boss. I'm glad you see the value I can bring to your organization. I'll take the body of that...former employee of yours...and place it near Domingo's territory in Spanish Harlem. Imperials will swarm the area and that'll hold off Domingo's people from attacking you for a day or two." Ketsyu replied

"Thank you. I can see why Shades respects you." Cottonmouth said

Ketsyu gave a nod and left while Shades stood up and took off his glasses. Cottonmouth wondered if Shades did this when circumstances got worse and to establish trust with those who doubted him.

"You need to explain to me why you didn't tell me Luke Cage was actually a former Stormtrooper named Carl Lucas. You also need to tell me how you didn't recognize him or the fact he was a prisoner who got super powers from an experiment?"

"Carl's hairstyle was different when he was at Seagate. He also didn't get his powers until he got out of Seagate prison. That's how he escaped, his enhanced strength allowed him to escape the island and swim to shore. But we now know conventional weapons won't do anything to him. He's got unbreakable skin and blaster bolts ain't going to do no good in a battle against him." Shades answered

"So what do I do? You promised me a victory. You said Diamondback wants me to win but where is this dude? How come he hasn't appeared out of the shadows? He waiting for me to fall so that he can step in and take Harlem over?"

Shades shook his head, "No, he's not interested in doing that. Diamondback wants a distributor for his weapons while he hunts those who wronged him. He needed somebody that could point in him in the right direction. So he made a deal with a Moff...Moff Gideon. He rules Mandalore/Texas."

"That's how you got that cache of weapons. High Governor Gideon got you released from Seagate early. You knew Harlem's Paradise could be the distributor for these Mandalorian weapons that Diamondback needed sold and paid for." Cottonmouth concluded

"Exactly. I've got something to show you. Something that's going to take care of all of your problems. There's a weapon for everyone...Diamondback taught me that." Shades said

Cottonmouth skeptical stood up and began to question Shades more but Shades handed Cottonmouth a data disk and told Cottonmouth to place it inside his data disk player underneath the TV. A video started playing and two European men were talking. One of them had a heavy blaster rifle and the other was wearing body armor.

"Russian?" Cottonmouth asked

"Ukrainian. Eastern European connection." Shades replied

The man with the heavy blaster rifle shot the other man wearing body armor in the chest. The man who was shot gasped but smiled relieved that he was unharmed.

"This ain't nothing important." Cottonmouth muttered frustrated

"Just wait. Trust me." Shades implored

The blaster bolt was still active making a whirring sound as it continued to drill into the armored man's chest. The man began panicking unsure of what to do until he exploded with chunks of flesh flying into the camera knocking it down.

"Whooo!!!! That's the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life!" Cottonmouth cheered

Shades grinned in excitement and explained, "The blaster bolts aren't just plasma energy their bonded to a metal composite so they continue to burrow and expand when they hit a sentient being or an object. Once it explodes the bolt evaporates and the heat from the explosion wipes away all forensic evidence so they're completely untraceable."

Rebel Defenders: The Grand Admiral (Book 3 MCU/Star Wars crossover)Where stories live. Discover now