Due to our arrogance, failed we have

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Colleen stabbed the B1 battle droid behind her and used it as a shield to deflect blaster fire from the remaining B1 droids. Her students huddled around her and she struggled to maintain her grip on her katana. The battle droids moved in and Colleen knew eventually she'd be overwhelmed by the sheer firepower and shot down. Then the droids stopped firing and Colleen saw Claire in a jeep. The jeep had a large dent and the battle droids lay on the ground in various states of disrepair.
Colleen quickly stabbed the droids with her katana before they rose to their feet.

"Claire how did you find me?"

"I followed you after Spiderman left your weird Force magic pow wow." Claire explained

"Thanks." Colleen said as she stared at the rubble

Kanan was lifting the rubble using the Force and listening for any sound of breathing that would signal Danny or Gao are still alive. Colleen was unsure how Danny or Gao would be able to survive what happened. She saw the Imperial airships responsible for firing on Gao's fortress were engaged in battle with the Iron Squadron. Kanan heard something and stepped back. A few seconds later Danny emerged from the rubble with his glowing Iron Fist and an unconcious Gao lay on the ground.

"Danny you need to calm down." Kanan said his hand gently on his lightsaber

"I think she had something to do with my parents death. I need her to wake up so that she can tell me the truth." Danny replied

"We need to evacuate this area quickly. You know that Gao has hundreds if not thousands of loyal followers and Stormtroopers are on their way to see if there are survivors they can interrogate." Kanan insisted

"Danny. I understand why your angry. Gao kidnapped some of my students and made me think they quit my dojo because they didn't think I was a good teacher. I realized the truth somehow...when I saw you fight Maul's droids. Gao manipulated me and almost got innocent children killed. She's vile and twisted but we can't deal with her now." Colleen argued

She rubbed Danny's shoulders and he calmed down.

"You're right and so are you Kanan Jarrus. Let's go." Danny said


"R3 do you have a weapons lock on the enemy Star Destroyer." Mart Mattin called out

R3A3 beeped excitedly that he did and Matt turned around to give his droid a quick nod of approval.

"Alright Gooti are you ready to drop the pay load on the target."

"Yes Captain." Gooti Terez replied

Mattin's first mate on their small freighter Sato's Hammer Gooti manned the weapons systems while Jin Jonner assisted Mart with navigation. Gooti was of a rare alien species known as a Theelin while Jonner was a human. He was the youngest and least experienced of the crew. Unlike the xenophobia they experienced in Mykapo's Imperial Academy the two happily worked together under the leadership of their friend and Captain Mart Mattin. Gooti dropped the payload and she cheered when it landed perfectly on the Star Destroyer and the two TIE Fighters accompanying it. The small group of aircraft exploded and fell into the ocean.

"Direct hit Captain. That makes ten Star Destroyers that we've defeated. We keep this up long enough and the Empire will give up and leave!" Jonner exclaimed

"I love your optimism Jonner but we need to destroy another two dozen or so Star Destroyers before we defeat the Imperial presence here." Mart explained to Jonner

"Well I'm confident we'll get there. Thanks to our sponsor Bakuto. The upgrades he sent us for Sato's Hammer have given us a huge advantage over the Empire. We have enough explosive ordinance to last us a full year." Gooti added

Rebel Defenders: The Grand Admiral (Book 3 MCU/Star Wars crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant