Your father, he is

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"Ward where the galaxy where you today? I needed you during that press conference and where did Danny go? Why does this penthouse smell like bleach?" Joy asked

She saw Ward scrubbing at the same spot on the pristine white floor. Ward kept scrubbing even though no dirt was visible on the floor. He was muttering to himself something about too much blood.

"We're you having some wild sex party while I was trying to stop the Empire from forcing our company to harm the city?" Joy shouted

Her attempt to get Ward's attention was in vain and her anger turned to worry. Joy received a text stating the Rebels and Danny were in hiding pursued by both Bakuto and the Empire. Joy realized fighting two groups with such a small force was a bad idea.

"How did you know I would be here?" Ward asked a far away look on his face

"I assumed this place was where you recovered from your spice usage and had one night stands." Joy replied

"Oh...right. One night stands. Ha, ha, ha. Of course."

Joy walked over to her brother and grabbed the dish rag and spray bottle Ward he was using. She placed her hands over Ward's.

"You need to tell me what's going on. Things are not going as planned and you said you were fine. That you were going to come to press conference with me but now you're out of control with the spice."

"Joy I'm sorry. I killed someone. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal but I was wrong. I keep trying to wipe away the blood and it's still there." Ward said as he was crying

He looked down at the ground in shame and Joy gave Ward a hug. Then her eyes widened in shock. Her father stood at the entrance to the penthouse covered in mud with his clothes torn.

"Daddy?" Joy gasped

"Sweetheart. It's me. I should've told you sooner." Harold greeted

"How?" Joy asked

"The Hand discovered a secret way to ressurect the dead. I made a deal with them so that they'd ressurect me after I died. The process is permanent. I should've told Ward that part. He valiantly defended me from an attack made by the Hand. He thought I died during the attack but Ward was wrong. Thanks to the Hand I can never die so I will always be with you." Harold reassured

Harold walked towards his two children and gave the stunned Ward a passionate hug. Joy stared speechless tears in her eyes at the two men unsure of how to process such a miracle.

"No, no, no! You're pure evil! You need to keep away from Joy! You will not control me ever again!" Ward yelled pushing Harold away

"Ward what has gotten into you? Dad is alive and he needs our help!" Joy exclaimed

Joy choked back tears as Ward seethe with anger. Harold on the otherhand remained calm and gently placed his hand on Ward's shoulder. Ward jerked his shoulder away and attempted to walk toward Joy. Harold blocked his path and the two stared intensely at one another.

"Ward why don't you go home and get some rest and I'll make sure you'll have the help that you need dealing with this spice addiction. Joy and I are going to catch up after I take a shower." Harold said

He patted Ward on the shoulder covering his son with even more dirt and grime. Ward started shaking his head and refused to move.

"Ward please. You should go. You're not...well. I'll message Jessica and have her keep an eye on you." Joy insisted

Ward was resolute in his decision to secretly have Jessica keep an eye on Joy while she spent time with their duplicitous father Harold. This was the only reason he nodded after hearing Joy's request and reluctantly left the penthouse. Harold left Joy standing in utter shock while he went to the bathroom to shower and change his clothes.

Rebel Defenders: The Grand Admiral (Book 3 MCU/Star Wars crossover)Where stories live. Discover now