The Dark Side, are they

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"We've called this press conference here today to announce the groundbreaking for a brand new Imperial Military Factory Complex sponsored by Rand Enterprises and approved by New York/Lothal's Senator Ori. This is poetic justice as far as I'm concerned because this complex will be the site of the construction of powerful weapons meant to destroy the terrorists that have plagued our city." Governor Pryce said

The Imperial dignitaries and wealthy residents of New York/Lothal in the audience applauded at the news and a couple of them cheered. The media's response on the other hand was subdued and Joy could see Karen Page the reporter from the New York Bullentin frowning.

"I just want to add that Rand Enterprises believes the addition of a factory complex will add thousands of jobs to the region. Construction for the complex will begin in two weeks and be complete in another 8 weeks. That will give ample time for residents of Chinatown to be given accommodations to adjust to the changes construction will cause."

"If you're going to bribe the people of Chinatown to except this than just go ahead and call it a bribe!" Karen Page yelled

"Miss Page questions will be taken shortly. You need to wait your turn."

Karen rolled her eyes and Joy struggled to maintain her composure. Deep down she knew Karen was right but there was nothing Joy could do. For some odd reason Ward was missing from the press conference. Danny was supposed to be here as well with information from the Hand leader Madam Gao. Joy looked up to Ward and she always felt safe around Danny when they were young. Joy wondered if it was a mistake to rely on Ward for such a dangerous mission or if Danny cared more about his duties as the Iron Fist than about her.

"Well you know on second thought we will take questions. Joy was just so eager to discuss the initiatives Rand Enterprises is taking to help local residents she lost track of time. So let's start with Jennifer Many from the New York Bullentin." Governor Pryce said

Jessica Jones got a text from Sabine stating the Hand was prepared. We may not make it. You need to take Joy somewhere safe if things go bad. Jessica looked up and realized Joy was gone. Possibly exiting the central building for Rand through a secret entrance. Jessica frowned unsure of how to track her down. She texted Sabine about the situation but got no response.


"Ezra what were you thinking! Running off without telling us was dangerous. You could have walked into a trap and died." Hera said while hugging Ezra

"I'm sorry Hera. I was foolish trying to find Obi Wan Kenobi out in the middle of the desert. I was lucky because a trader passing through helped me to survive a dust storm." Ezra explained

"That's good. Contrary to your lack of faith in it Ezra, the Force is watching over you. It will always watch over you and guide you. The results will be frustrating at times. Believe me I know but it has its rewards." Kanan reassured

"So now what?"

"We are close to stopping Thrawn. Sabine, Zeb and Rex and Danny's friend Davos went to invade Bakuto's base. We got a tip from Jessica about it. She was tailing one of Colleen's students. Apparently she's an intern for Governor Pryce and she's been feeding her information on what Bakuto knows of our operations." Kanan elaborated

"So Bakuto helping us in Mykapo and Ryloth was a lie?" Ezra asked shocked

"Yes to take advantage of our excitement over the new Fulcrum that's been helping us. He wanted us distracted so that Danny and Colleen would be inside his compound without backup. It's possible Colleen has been in on this the whole time. We need to sit tight and wait to make our next move." Hera said


"Thrawn is attempting to weaponize these miniaturized cloaking devices but we haven't figured out exactly how yet. Joy was given a private demonstration of the devices capabilities. She stole it and Jessica passed it along to us." Sabine explained to Danny

"Was Colleen behind this?" Danny asked

"I don't know. Maybe. But we got to escape before we go back for her."

"We can't just leave her behind."

"Karabast" Sabine muttered

A mixture of Colleen's graduated students, current students and young people training exclusively under Bakuto surrounded the pair. In total 50 students formed a circle around Danny and Sabine. More than a dozen held bo staff's designed to deal with Sabine's unique sword.

"I've heard from Ezra you can create a powerful shockwave with your Iron Fist. You think you can do that now? It'll just knock these kids out." Sabine suggested

"I can't. My qi isn't recharged and I'm not fully recovered from using it last time." Danny replied

Danny and Sabine fought off the first two challengers with well placed tosses over their shoulders. In seconds they were dog piled by a group of 8 students. Danny flipped two of them over and spun kicked the other two but soon a swarm overtook him. Sabine was restrained by her four captors all of them larger than her. Another man of Indian descent and a small stature emerged from fighting four of the oldest students in charge of security just outside the building where Gao was being held.

Sabine took advantage of the momentary distraction this 3rd battle provided by stepping on the feet of her captors. She then slid underneath them grabbing Danny and ran toward the small Indian man. Danny jumped and did a spin kick on one of the man's attackers. The man struck one attacker in the neck and did a leg sweep on the other while Sabine used her stun blaster to knock out the final assailant.

"Davos what are you doing here?" Danny asked the short Indian man

"We're going home Danny."


"The way to K'un-Lun is open, and you are not there to protect it. We're going back." Davos urged

"Look, I understand, but I can't just leave. I need to find Colleen and I have to help my friends Ward and Joy."

"You had no trouble leaving us." Davos accused

"It's not what it looks like. I can explain everything later but we need to find Colleen and then we'll escape."

Danny raced toward the back of the compound away from the front gate by the holding cell area. He found Colleen and he yelled for her to join them as they were escaping. To Danny's dismay Colleen shook her hand and said I can't.

"Danny I'm sorry but we need to go. We are hopelessly outnumbered." Sabine urged

Davos pulled Danny aggressively towards the entrance. Darryl one of Colleen's students brandished a staff at Sabine. Sabine refused to use the sword from Bakuto's office instead firing her stun blaster at Darryl. Darryl leapt over the energy pulse wave the blaster emitted and hit Sabine in the chest with his bounty staff. Davos did a leg sweep move on Darryl which he was too slow to react to. He fell backward on his head hard and Davos stomped his knee creating a loud cracking.

"Davos you took that way too far! What were you thinking?" Danny exclaimed

"They're the Hand Danny! They must be dealt with by showing no mercy. These duplicitous rats need to be exterminated. Now let's go!" Davos fired back

Sabine separated the two and lead them past the gates just as Bakuto activated the mechanism to close them. He stumbled into the courtyard clutching his head and he glared at Colleen. He was furious that she allowed the trio to escape. Thankfully he also had spies in Rand and he could track the group back to their hideout.

"Make preparations to wage a full scale attack on Danny and his allies. Kill everyone except the Danny we need the Iron Fist alive." Bakuto ordered his followers

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