My Apprentice, A Pity It Was

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One Hour Before My Apprentice, A pity it was

Bakuto's students struggled against the stray dogs that Ezra was connecting with through the Force. Ezra felt a kinship with these dogs. Abandoned during the early days of the Empire by their owners the dogs were forced to survive on the street. Ezra knew what it was like to be abandoned and so his warmth and gentleness through the Force motivated the dogs to attack Bakuto's faction of the Hand.

Kanan fought a group of four that made up the leaders of Bakuto's compound security forces. They used Force pikes that Kanan knew belonged to the Emperor's personal guard. He blocked multiple attacks at once by utilizing his hearing and trusting the Force. He managed to predict the angle that each pike weapon made as it moved through the air. Kanan was pleased that he overcame the emotional turmoil he felt after losing his eyesight. He was outclassing his four opponents in conbat and he could sense their frustration.


"You were my best student Colleen but you allowed Danny Rand to poison your mind. I won't kill you once I defeat you. I will bring you to my superior and she will educate you on why the Iron Fist is the enemy." Bakuto scolded

"You're a liar! You tricked me into thinking I was doing good yet the whole time I was just your pawn in your quest for power!" Colleen yelled

"That's not true and you know it. You're the foundation of what we built here. Most of these young people fighting thus battle were brought in by you. You dedicated close to an entire decade as a recruiter of youth for the Hand. Are you going to throw that all away for a romance with the Iron Fist?" Bakuto asked

Colleen charged at Bakuto with her katana and Bakuto blocked her attack with his own katana. They exchanged strikes back and forth, their swords clanging against each other making X shapes. The movement of their strikes was a blur that would be difficult for the untrained eye to follow. The loud clanging of the swords stood out to Kanan as he fought his opponents. He could tell both of these sword practitioners were accomplished at their craft.


Davos and Danny worked with Sabine against a series of IG-RM droids that brought up the rear of Bakuto's forces.
They used bo staff's scavenged from an earlier supply run conducted by Sabine and her friends. The two close friends used impressive agility skills to damage the droids before the droids could target them with their wrist mounted blasters.

"It's nice fighting side by side instead of against each other." Danny noted

The droids lay in a heap damaged with sparks sputtering out of them after Danny and Davos destroyed them.

"An Iron Fist knows to never let their guard down until the mission is completed." Davos replied solemnly

Danny was hurt by Davos serious demeanor. He remembered how sarcastic and jovial Davos used to be. His lightheared nature helped Danny overcome his initial loneliness and isolation within K'un-Lun. Davos attention wasnt on Danny or the destroyed droids. Davos pointed to the battle between Bakuto and Colleen and marched towards it. Danny grabbed Davos's arm and didn't loosen his grip even when he glared at Danny. Danny shook his head but Davos still continued to glare at him.

"I was willing to accept that my father chose you to become the Iron Fist. I reasoned that as long as K'un-Lun was protected you having the title instead of me wouldn't matter. Now I realize Lei Kung the Thunderer made a mistake. He was a fool to allow you to obtain the power of the Iron Fist. Your enemy is right there within your grasp and you refuse to finish him. That Hand whore is the reason the Hand wreaked havoc in the first place!"

"This is her fight. Not ours and your father didn't choose me to become Iron Fist. I earned the title. I fought my way past you because I worked harder than anyone. You're just jealous and you're allowing your jealousy to interfere with the mission." Danny said to Davos

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