Always Two There Are

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Author's Note

The Iron Fist's power is connected to a core of energy called the Multiversal Core. It allows for travel between different universes and the ability to reshape reality. This is what both the Hand and the Empire are seeking. Maul also seeks this energy and in my story this is connected to Maul's search for both the Jedi and Sith Holocrons. The video above is the inspiration for this chapter. Please vote and comment if you are enjoying the story or comment if the story has problems in your opinion.

"Claire take the students to the nearby community center and hide there until I or our allies get back." Colleen ordered

"You need to go with them. These assassins are here for me. I don't want you getting hurt because of me." Danny explained

"I don't care. They're attacking my dojo and I'm not going to let them."

"My name is Scythe and I advise you to listen to your boyfriend. We are Madam Gao's top assassins and you just train children. This battle won't be a sparring." Scythe warned sporting a playful grin

Much like his namesake Scythe brandished a Scythe directly at Colleen.

"Scythe don't be so hard on the woman. The Iron Fist is incredibly sexy. I just want to share my elixir with him." A scantily clad woman said with a sly grin

She blew a kiss at Danny and Danny scowled at her in disgust. The twin warriors remained silent and charged at Danny and Danny realized they each had strange mechanical gauntlets. Danny dodged two of their strikes and when their gauntlet struck the wall it produced a powerful Shockwave.

"Our father used these during the Clone Wars. After he was killed fighting Spiderman Gao took us in." One of the twins said

He threw another punch and Iron Fist flipped over his opponent and kicked him in the back.

"Gao promised us that we would help bring the fall of the Empire and Spiderman if we help her plans succeed." The second of the twins said

He struck the ground with his gauntlets and the resulting shockwave caused the dojo to vibrate.

This caused Colleen to stumble during her battle with Scythe and Danny to stumble against the Shocker twins. The scantily clad woman stuck gloved hands with needles for claws into Iron Fist's back. Danny became drugged in seconds as he saw that the room spinning around in circles. He turned and saw Colleen struggling to keep up with Scythe's attacks and use her katana to defend herself. Danny wanted to help her but he could barely stay on his feet. His fist stopped glowing and the woman who poisoned laughed and then licked her lips.


Maul sighed calmly once he saw the escape pod he trapped Kanan in tumble beneath the ocean's surface. He walked over to one of his shipping and receiving droids muttering terminate the prisoners. He then reached Ezra and gave him a warm smile.

"Ezra I held up my end of the bargain. Your friends are safe. Come over here apprentice and sit so that we can get started." Maul instructed

Ezra glared at the window of the docking yard. He could see the vast stretch of ocean with the occasional Imperial airship flying overhead. He looked down at the Holocron and saw it glowed a bright red color. His eyebrows furrowed in anger but Ezra knew he had no choice but to comply with Maul's demand.

"I doubt that you comprehend the power that is within your grasp." Maul explained as he gave Ezra the Jedi Holocron

Ezra tossed Maul the Sith Holocron and replied, "I know when we open these holocrons together any question we ask will be answered."

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