The Greatest Teacher Failure Is

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Author's Note

Above is a video detailing Colleen Wing's major character arc for Season 1. Below is my overview of my story and how it connects to the larger series Rebel Defenders and my Avenger Wars Universe.

Danny Rand is the Iron Fist in my story even though in canon Colleen Wing is the Iron Fist and Charlie Cox who plays Daredevil in the MCU wants that character to continue as Iron Fist. I'm not invested to greatly in this debate about Colleen Wing as Iron Fist as I like both Danny Rand and Colleen as characters. Colleen Wing in my story has a connection to the Force. That connection to the Force will play a role in this story. Danny Rand's Iron Fist is connected to the Multiverse and Peter Parker's inclusion in this story is to explore why there is a universe with Star Wars and Marvel characters together and how this affects other universes in the Multiverse. This will also connect to Emperor Palpatine aka Darth Sidious's goal to create one universe under his control and without any outside threats to undermine his power. Madame Gao and the Hand seek to undermine Palpatine's power.

Don't forget to leave a comment if you have any strong feelings about the direction of the story and if you're enjoying the story please vote at the bottom of the page.

Nuke leapt high in the air to avoid the Rebel operative known as Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios. He dodged Zeb's swinging strikes and avoided his razor sharp claws. Nuke was grateful to Dr. Cylo replicating Dr. Kozlov's chemical enhancement research. Through chemical enhancement Nuke moved similar to the extinct race of powered persons called the Inhumans. His reaction time was increased as well which allowed him to dodge Sabine attempts to shoot him from above with her twin blaster pistols. Nuke grabbed the unconcious Ward just as Ezra managed to grab his lightsaber and free himself from Nuke's tightly bound ropes.

Nuke entered a secret elevator entrance and disappeared inside the walls of Rand Enterprises. He could see the rage on Ezra's face and he used to know what that was like. It was back when the powered person named Kilgrave controlled him via voice commands. Nuke felt weak and powerless and that feeling remained even after the super-powered detective Jessica Jones managed to kill him. His former partner the former Jedi Padawan Barriss Offie disappeared after she failed kill Kilgrave by replicating his power using a machine built by Dr. Malus. Thankfully Dr. Cylo gave Nuke purpose and a new name. He was no longer Will Simpson but instead he was Nuke and he would fulfill Dr. Cylo's plan to make the Global Empire a better place for everyone. Rand Enterprises was the key to bringing that plan to fruition.

Ezra was furious that the mercenary with the American flag mask got away. He realized that if another unexpected opponent got in his way he couldn't hold back.

"Freeze!" A Rand Security guard yelled

It was 6 Rand Security guards flanked by one Stormtrooper. They had Ezra, Zeb and Sabine surrounded. Ezra tilted his and reached into the dark side of the Force and influenced the mind of the closest Stormtrooper. That Stormtrooper began firing on the Rand Enterprise security guards until they all lay dead.

"Since when has Ezra been able to do that?" Zeb asked

"Never. He's never done that," Sabine replied, "Hey Ezra these were just Security guards doing their jobs not Stormtroopers. Did you have to go that far?"

"Of course. We need to go before reinforcements show up. I was hoping we'd have more time to figure out why the Empire has taken a sudden interest in Rand but we have to be satisfied with the data we managed to steal." Ezra said matter of factly

Sabine reacted with alarm at how emotionless he was about slaughtering innocent security guards but Zeb shook his head at her. Sabine sighed and Ezra lead the two of them and Chopper out of the room.

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