Do or Do Not, There is no try

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"So...Hera this is one of those Force related things where you're going to need to leave the room. Don't worry we'll be fine." Kanan said to Hera

"I keep thinking I'm going to get used to this Jedi stuff and then my friends and Spiderman are staring at something completely invisible to me." Zeb complained

"Just be grateful it isn't Maul or an Inquisitor." Sabine said as she dragged Zeb out of the room

Hera lingered by the door worry on her face that Kanan couldn't see but she knew he could sense anyway. Chopper echoed Hera's feelings by giving short beeps.

"They'll be fine." Hera reassured

"So Spiderman is a Jedi. Each day is just weirder than the next. Blasterbolt proof man, super strong detective, blind Daredevil, Jedi, ninjas, rich white guy with a glowing fist..." Claire said in bewilderment as she left the room

"That nurse Claire Temple is very funny. Her honesty in these difficult times is quite refreshing." The strange beast said with a chuckle

"It's good that you are here." Kanan said to the beast

"Likewise Kanan Jarrus. It's good that your spirit is much stronger and your previous confidence has returned. You trusted the Force and now your apprentice Ezra Bridger has returned back to your side. "

"What are you?" Ezra asked aloud in wonder

"I'm the Bendu. A manifestation of the Force that's connected to the East Coast of this continent. I was born on February 5, 1945 when the Hydra leader Red Skull attempted to use an artifact of great power to destroy this city and many others along the coastline. I manifested within the Force and my presence allowed Captain Steve Rogers to survive the airship crash that occurred after he thwarted the Red Skull's plan."

Danny dropped to his knees and started remembering the details of the airship crash that killed his father and injured his mother. He remembered looking into his father's cold dead eyes as he was impaled by a piece of metal. His mother hugged him and told Danny not to look. He opened his eyes and felt a numb dull pain in his wrist. Then he saw his mother out in an open clearing while he realized he was covered in snow. His mother was barely conscious and Danny was powerless to save her from the wolves that devoured her.

"Danny it's ok. Danny I'm here. You need to calm yourself." Colleen said holding Danny close

"How can we see Colleen and Danny?" Ezra asked Kanan

"Well I can hear them. But I believe we are all connected to the Bendu through the Force. Is that correct?" Kanan speculated

"Yes. Unfortunately Daniel's true reason for returning to New York/Lothal and shirking his responsibilities as the Iron Fist is for revenge. You lie when you say it's to protect the Meachum's. Your care and love for them is real but your motivations are selfish. Your dedication to the Order of the Crane mother and the title they gave you is more unclear."

"That's not true. The Hand is in New York/Lothal and their tormenting Ward and Joy."

"Yes. However the torment you feel whenever you hear references to airships crashing betrays your true motivations and the lack of clarity you have about your future." The Bendu argued

"The only person I see tormenting anyone is you. I sense darkness within you. How can we be sure you're trustworthy?" Colleen challenged the Bendu

The Bendu chuckled, "Hmmm very perceptive you are. I just find it ironic that you have a mind that is paradoxical. It's filled with belief and unbelief at the same time."

"My sensei told me stories about the Iron Fist. I thought it was fantasy until I saw Maul take over my dojo and then Danny used the Iron Fist to rescue my students."

Rebel Defenders: The Grand Admiral (Book 3 MCU/Star Wars crossover)Where stories live. Discover now