Routine Friendship

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"Let's go out Lyn!" her friend Sara said, bouncing on the small bed. "I know you've already studied for Professor Franklin's test." Sara, a fellow medical student, was one of the most sociable people Lynette knew.

Lynette glanced at another friend, a first year law student, who was sat on the floor with her head buried in a novel, "Hanna? Do you want to go somewhere?"

Hanna shrugged, putting her book down, "We could go to that really good Japanese place down the street. I've been meaning to try it out...Dojo, I think."

Sara nodded excitedly. "Then we should explore a bit of the city. Rent some bikes; look at some of the shops..."

They gathered up their belongings and headed out of the dorms. Hanna and Sara were among the few other first years at New Court and Lynette had become fast friends with both of them.

Sara began talking about an encounter with another student in their clinical studies class, "This boy, Thomas, wouldn't stop talking to me in class today..."

Lynette laughed. She remembered watching in amusement as a boy nervously came up to Sara to show her a stream of funny videos. Sara had looked helplessly over at Lynette before Thomas had once again vied for her attention.

Lynette rolled her eyes. "Sara, you've got to realize he likes you, if only a little."

Sarah protested, "I barely know him. I just met him today."

Hanna jumped in, noting Sara's discomfort, "Today in business law, we went over patent procedure..."

Lynette began to subconsciously tune out Hanna's lawyer talk as they walked out of the university gates. With an eclectic mix of antique little shops and huge modernized structures, the city of Cambridgeshire was breathtaking. Lynette felt suddenly energized and looked over at her two friends with a wide smile.

Hanna cocked her head, "Lynette? What is it?"

Lynette couldn't really explain it. The day just seemed so nice, a rarity in England, and she felt her sense of adventure flaring up. "Let's get some bikes then," she said speeding up her pace.

They spent the whole day out visiting the various eateries and exploring the stores lined up in perfect rows along the streets. Hannah discovered an antique book store and insisted on spending an hour poring over delightfully worn volumes, not that Lynette minded in the least. She found a nice book and curled up in the corner of the shop to enjoy a novel in the quiet atmosphere. She quite liked the smell of the old books; it brought back childhood memories of the little adventures within those well-loved books she'd taken in the refuge of her old bedroom back home.

Her revelry was cut short as Sara began pestering them about doing something she liked. Hannah and Lynette decided it was only fair and Sara led them excitedly to a fragrance store. As Sara browsed luxuriously over the shelves of scented candles, soaps, and lotions, Hanna hung back, occasionally turning over a bottle of hand sanitizers. Observing her two friends, Lynette inwardly smiled. They were such polar opposites--she felt lucky to have somehow met them both.

They ended their impromptu adventure late at night.

As they approached the entrance of New Court, Lynette could make out a group of slightly drunk boys stumbling up the steps in the dark. One of the boys seemed to be mostly sober and was leading the way. As they neared the door, Lynette recognized Harry. As he looked up, he seemed to recognize her too and waved.

"Lynette! Hi!" Harry exclaimed brightly. Lynette noticed that he looked visibly tired.

Lynette gestured to Hanna and Sara and introduced them.  Harry greeted her friends warmly before turning back to Lynette. "These are the people you left me for," he said jokingly.

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