A Star

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"We're getting a tree today!"

Ethan's voice rang throughout the house and brought Lynette out of her reverie. She had been watching Harry and Lily playing on the floor in pensive silence.

"I wanna go!" Lily said standing up and tugging at Harry's arm. Lynette met Harry's eyes and he gave her a wide grin.

Ethan popped his head into the room and called out. "Come on you lot! We're going to be in the car waiting!"

Matt followed just behind his brother and echoed, "Come on!" with a slight lisp.

"We should probably get going before they get even more impatient" Lynette said as she held out her hand for Lily to hold. Harry took Lily's other hand and the three of them made their way to the garage.


Picking a tree had never been easy for Lynette's rather large family and this day was no different.

Ethan and Matt ran around pointing to one tree and then the next, and Lynette's dad followed them around checking some of the prices and offering occasional input.

"This one smells too strongly...no, not this one. It's too wide for our living room."

Harry tapped her on the shoulder and nodded to a quieter corner of the Christmas tree yard. Lynette followed him there and Harry dove into a large group of trees. She walked just behind him and Harry reached out to grab her hand just as she entered into the quiet little space. Without warning, he spun her around and pulled her close. She laughed and relaxed against his warm chest and watched as little snowflakes began to fall. Harry's breath fogged in the air and he leaned down to kiss her gently.

"Mum! Dad! I found them! And they're kissing!" Ethan poked his head through the branches of one of the trees surrounding them. They broke apart immediately and Lynette gave Harry an apologetic look.

"Ethan Derek Arlington! That was rude!" Lynette's mother scolded as she walked over holding Lily with one arm.

Lynette's dad was looking up and down and tree just beside them. "Hey, this one isn't too bad." He turned to his sons. "Ethan, Matt? What do you guys think?"

"It's big!" Matt cheered. Ethan seemed to like the choice as well and Lynette's dad went to pay.

After the tree was all loaded up on the roof of the car, they all piled back into the car seats. Lynette found herself squeezed in the back seat between Ethan and Harry who were playing some sort of travel game across her as she leaned back against the headrest. Harry groaned as he lost Ethan's made-up game again and leaned against Lynette pouting a little.

"Aww," she said, attempting to keep a straight face. "My little brother beat you?"

"I'm playing with Matt next time," Harry said shortly.

Lynette smiled and looked out the window happily. Her family might be a bit much sometimes, but she was glad that Harry had assimilated brilliantly.


That night, after Harry had helped her dad and her brothers with the tree, the whole family decorated. It was altogether wonderful and Lynette thoroughly enjoyed the family time she had missed during the months in university. It was, however, also the chance for Lynette's family to thoroughly embarrass her with all the stories the ornaments brought up in front of Harry.

"Remember the time she dropped this one in the study room and spent an hour searching? And then when she found it already smashed, she was so determined that her hour looking for it wouldn't be wasted that she spent another hour gluing every little piece together."

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