Blissful Sleep

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Sometime between calling Sara and her parents, who were ever so relieved to get the call from their daughter, Lynette could feel herself calming down.

"Bye, mum, dad, I love you."

"Be safe, dearie. And call us, anytime. And keep your hopes up."

Lynette's call to Sara was far more upbeat. Sara was getting something like cabin fever cooped up at home and was elated to be talking to Lynette.

"I'll go meet you, Lyn. Which hospital was it? Come on, you've got to cheer up. I'm sure there are some shops around there. I'll drag you to them. And--" Sara stopped rambling and went quiet for a moment. "Hey Lyn, if you'd rather stay in Harry's room, I'll stay with you. I get it. I just thought getting your mind off it for a while might do you some good."

Lynette sighed. "No, I think you're right. Maybe we could go to a cafe nearby and just talk. I'd like that."

"Alright, for sure! I'll be over in a couple of hours."

Lynette went back to the family ICU waiting room. She saw some of Harry's cousins sitting in a corner talking quietly and sat a little ways away. Gemma entered moments later and sat beside her.

"So, any more news?" Lynette asked carefully.

"Not really, they're trying some more antibiotics to see which one might work. So far, he's still not responding, but at least he hasn't gotten worse since the morning." Gemma took a deep breath and leaned back against the sofa. "I think I'm going to take a nap at home." She yawned and Lynette noticed the dark circles under her eyes.

"Yeah, Gemma. You should get a good sleep. You look exhausted."

Gemma gave Lynette a half smile. "You look ten times worse, you know. You ought to come with me."

"You know I can't sleep," Lynette said wearily, attempting to smile back.

"When Harry wakes up, you realize he'll kill me for letting you do this to yourself," Gemma said wryly.

Lynette almost laughed. "Go to bed, Gem. I'll be fine."


Sara arrived hours later, just as she had promised.  She came in a whirlwind of skirts and long hair and almost knocked Lynette over with her greeting hug.

"Lyn!!! Oh, I've missed you. Wow, you look," she eyed Lynette up and down and her expression softened. "Lyn, we're going to get you some coffee. Come on." She grabbed Lynette's hand and took her out of the rather depressing atmosphere of the waiting room. "And to a coffee shop that isn't in this hospital."

They walked a little outside. With Christmas only just over, the festive lights still hung all over the street and tiny snowflakes swirled all around then. Sarah hustled them both into a nondescript coffee shop and Lynette sat by the window, watching the snow pile up outside.

"Do you think we get to wish on snowflakes?" she asked quietly.

Sara shrugged. "I think, then, wishes wouldn't be so precious. Everyone could have as many as they wanted."

Lynette rested her chin on her hands. "Maybe not on each snowflake. But every snowfall, you know. It'd be nice to think that after every cold, icy day we could get one simple little wish."

Sara looked pensive. "You don't even need a snowfall, Lyn. People don't wish enough as it is."

Lynette shook away her melancholy thoughts and focused on Sara. "Tell me how it's been at home."

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