Beautiful Firsts

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Could you accept one day seeing me die?

Harry's words echoed mercilessly in her head.

"I, " Lynette swallowed. "Then I will have lived every moment possible with you."

Harry turned away dismissively. "That isn't enough, Lyn. I've spent weeks at a hospital before, and I've seen how devastating death is to people. You can't just ignore-"

Lynette could see his defeat written all over his face and she touched his shoulder to get his attention once again.

"Harry, Harry, listen to me. I was lucky to meet someone like you once in a lifetime."

Harry interrupted, "You-"

Lynette cut him off emphatically. "No Harry. I'm ordinary. I'm books and big words and cheeriness. But you, you're intriguing. I'm not ignoring any realities when I say that despite all of it, you are worth everything. Besides," she added in a matter-of-fact tone, "if I had minded hospitals I wouldn't have gone into medicine in the first place."

Harry spread his arms out and leaned back to lie on his bed. He looked up at his ceiling and seemed to consider her words. Then he looked up at Lynette with the first hint of the smile on his face.

"So you accept?" He asked.

Lynette smiled widely, leaning forward so that she lay on her stomach on Harry's bed. "Of course, Haz. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

They walked out hand in hand and Lynette saw Hanna perched next to Niall in their vacated seats. Hanna caught her eye and smirked. "Knew it. Wait til Sara finds out."

Louis scoffed. "Oh we all knew. If they had waited any longer to get together, I would have started a betting pool."

"Ooh, Lynette, let me show you something," Hanna said suddenly.

Lynette knelt beside Hanna and she pulled out a beautifully drawn blueprint of a room. It looked to be an elegantly designed coffeehouse.

Hanna was ecstatic. "Isn't it absolutely amazing?" she gushed. "And look," she pointed to a far corner in which a quaint little table stood in a little nook in the wall. Someone had labeled it Hanna's spot.

"Niall designed it for me. Said he had some free time in one of his classes. This spot," she pointed once again at the two little words scribbled in the corner, "is acoustically designed for the optimal studying atmosphere."

Lynette glanced up at Niall, who seemed slightly abashed at Hanna's enthusiasm. "I don't have the means to actually get it built, of course. But I hoped you'd like the design," he spoke quietly to Hanna.

Hanna smiled, still absorbed in examining every inch of the paper. "I love it."


Harry came home from the hospital the next day having just had his PICC line inserted and Lynette spent the hours after classes curled up with him. He was slightly lethargic from the surgical procedure and slept next to her for hours as she studied for her exams-the Michealmas term was ending and her finals were coming up. She woke him up gently to remind him to do his home IVs and Harry blinked blearily before sitting up.

"Hey Lyn," he said his voice husky from sleep. He smiled drowsily at her and went to gather his treatments. Lynette watched as Harry carefully connected the tubing in the IV antibiotics bag to the catheter in his arm and sat back looking out of a small window to the courtyard.

It was snowing outside and the gang had popped in earlier to announce that they were all going to spend a day in the snow. Harry had reluctantly declined, having been strongly advised to stay indoors as he was still extremely susceptible to dangerous chest infections.

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