Falling Slowly

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When Lynette awoke the next day, it was high noon and everyone else was already downstairs.

She came down to the kitchen to find Harry surrounded by all of her siblings as he played a guitar. He stopped instantly when he saw her.

"Sorry I'm not all that good," he said apologetically to the children and got up.

"Morning, or rather, afternoon sleepyhead," he said smoothly, brushing her messy hair back behind her ear. "Didn't really want to wake you."

"Harry's writing a song!" Matt exclaimed.

Harry rushed over and clamped a hand over her brother's mouth.

Lynette was suddenly intrigued. "Really Haz? It's been quite a while since you've talked about that."

Harry sighed and took his hand off of her brother's mouth. "Well, you know the main chord progressions since I sent you some of them a while back, but recently I've been working on some lyrics. Your brother," he sent a mock glare at Matt who giggled and ran to hide behind Lynette, "was supposed to keep silent."

"Am I not allowed to hear?" Lynette asked playfully.

"Well, I was hoping to at least finish a whole verse before I show you." He smiled sheepishly. "But here, I have a basic refrain down."

He brought his guitar up to his chest and Lynette knelt down by his feet.

His voice was deep and raspy as he softly sang, his fingers searching for every chord slightly clumsily every few seconds. Lynette thought he looked and sounded positively angelic.

Don't let me,
don't let me,
don't let me go.
Cause I'm tired of feeling alone.

Don't let me,
don't let me,
don't let me go.
Cause I'm tired of sleeping alone.

The music trailed off and Harry rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Err, well that's all I have so far. So, uhh, what do you think?"

Lynette was thinking of a lot of things in that moment. She was thinking about how mesmerizing Harry looked with his hair flopping over his forehead as he leaned over his guitar. She was thinking of Harry's eyes and how bright they were just then as he looked expectantly down at her. But on the forefront of her mind was the overwhelming thought that there was no way she ever deserved someone so completely perfect as Harry Styles.

"It's beautiful, Harry," she breathed.

His face broke out into a grin and he set the guitar in its worn case.

"Here. Let's get you some food. You've missed breakfast but I'll make something for you, alright?"


For the rest of the week, Harry hung around the house comfortably becoming an honorary member of the Arlington household. By the time he and Lynette were set to go off to his mum's place, Lynette's siblings had grown quite attached to him; Harry had a hard job of explaining that although Lynette would be back before Christmas, he might not be back so soon.

"Maybe New Years we could all do something together," Harry said, consoling a distraught Lily. He caught Lynette's eyes and whispered, "and maybe a New Years kiss."

Lynette laughed and returned to her packing.

In what seemed like no time at all, she and Harry were bundled up at the door and Lynette's dad was preparing to drive them both to the station.


In the train car, Lynette sat with her back against Harry's warm body and stared out of the window contentedly. The scenery began to change as they moved out of Stafford to the decidedly more rural Cheshire. The landscape was greener, even in winter, and the luminescent patches of snow served only to accent the vibrant colors of the surroundings.

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