Pivotal Discovery

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On a particularly taxing day, Harry caught up to Lynette as she was entering the dorm.

He paused to catch his breath. "Hey, do you want to go to the club tonight? It's a good way to unwind and you looked like you needed a break today."

Lynette considered a moment. "I've never really gone clubbing before, but I've heard quite a bit of buzz surrounding Ballare."

Harry nodded excitedly, "That's the one! So you'll come with us?"

"Where are you going? With who?" Hanna had come down the stairs. "Oh. Hi Harry. Where are you taking Lyn?"

Harry's excitement was contagious as he said enthusiastically, "You too. And Sara. Come with us to Ballare."

Hanna looked a bit skeptical. "With 'us' I suppose you mean the intoxicated people we met that night?"

"They're really very wonderful," Harry said, shifting his feet a little. "They're just very good at partying. Trust me, you'll like them sober. Besides," he said cheekily, "you seemed to be enjoying Nialler even when he was completely hammered."

Hanna shrugged noncommittally. "He's so upbeat I don't think anyone could dislike talking to him. He's either a very happy drunk or an inordinately cheery person."

Harry grinned, "The latter. They all hang out in my room before nights out. Come in." He waited patiently as Lynette went upstairs to call Sarah, who was more than happy to go with them.

Harry opened his doors and four pairs of eyes looked up.

"Hey guys!" the boy Lynette remembered as Louis spoke. "I remember you all pretty vaguely from a few nights ago."

Niall laughed, "Yeah buddy, I was smashed that time." He looked over at Hanna who had taken a seat beside him. "You're Hanna! What are you taking here at Cambridge?"

"Law" Hanna said shortly.

"Ahh, the thing Harry couldn't stand. I always found it interesting though. I'm trying to be a sound engineer myself. These two," gesturing to Liam and Zayn, "want to be teachers. And this one," he pointed to Louis, "wants to be an actor."

Liam and Louis looked up.

"Well," Liam admitted, "I was best at PE and sciences at school. I've always wanted to be a gym teacher, but most gym teachers have an alternate specialty subject.  Natural sciences seemed the logical field to go into."

Louis shrugged, "I'm technically taking a philosophy course right now before applying for the PGCE in drama." He leaned back, grinning mischievously. "I'm older and clearly wiser than all you lads, so I'd wager to say philosophy seems quite fitting."

Liam raised his eyebrows. "Wiser huh?"

Zayn, meanwhile, had gotten up to the door.

He greeted the girl behind it with a hug and a kiss. He turned back around, joking, "I'm evening out the male-female ratio a little. This is my fiancé, Perrie Edwards."

Perrie looked radiant. She looked around at the slight surprise on the faces of the newcomers and laughed. "Yeah, fiancé. He proposed last summer. But, we're still in school, so everything is on hold." Perrie took a seat next to Sara and Zayn sat beside her. Within minutes, Sara and Perrie were getting along perfectly.

Lynette's eyes roamed around the room. Harry watched her for a moment and then got up, motioning for her to follow. He led her to his bedroom and, as she watched from the doorway, he opened a drawer next to the bed.  He took out inhalers, pill boxes, nebulizers and a vest. Lynette recognized the vest immediately.

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