A Couple More Mistakes

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Harry groaned as he came to his senses. Lynette was sleeping on the chair next to the bed.  He shifted slightly and felt an intense jolt of pain in his side. He drew a sharp intake of breath, wincing.

Lynette stirred--she had always been a light sleeper--and looked at him a little warily.  "Are you in your right mind now?"

Harry stared at her, puzzled. "I think so? Why?  When was I not?"

"Oh, nothing." She leaned over and gently took his hands as if reassuring herself that he was real.

There was a pause. "So, did we win?" 

Lynette blinked. "Win? Win what?"

"The match."

She looked incredulous. "You're joking. You think i kept track of the score after you bloody pass out on the field?"

"Least I scored something," Harry said, cracking a grin.

Lynette glared. "You've managed to nearly kill yourself an impressive amount of times of late."

Harry rolled his eyes. "I can promise that neither were on purpose if that makes you feel any better.

"Just, just be careful," Lynette managed just as the door flew open. Harry's mum burst through in a flurry of disheveled hair and long skirts.

Harry smiled sheepishly. "Hi mum. Lyn's already given me the talking to--"

"-and right she should!" Anne cut him off. "Harry Edward Styles, if you ever scare me like that again, collapsing twice in two days, I--don't even know what I'm going to do with you--"

"Sorry mum," Harry said, pouting a little and making his best puppy-face. Lynette saw Anne purse her lips for a second before her expression softened. 

There was a pregnant pause and then Harry leaned back in his bed. "I think I'm going to ask the nurse for more pain meds.  My side feels like it's on fire."


Lynette found herself becoming increasingly introspective as the weeks passed.  And out of all the jumbled thoughts she had, one was crystal clear.  Life was relatively inconsequential in the grand scheme of the universe.  Oddly enough, it was a comforting thought.  It meant that while everything beautiful in her world eroded away, it wouldn't really matter.  At least, she kept telling herself that.

Harry returned to school and they had resumed a rather strained friendship fraught with "what ifs" and "maybes".  It wasn't what either of them wanted, but it meant that Harry talked to her at least a little like he used to. 

She often went with Harry to the gym these days.  Her excuse was always something about a sudden interest in personal health, but they both knew she was worried about him. 

Of course, seeing Harry at the gym presented some new problems. 

Lynette ran silently on the treadmill as Harry lifted weights. Harry moaned as he stretched out his sore muscles and then pulled off his jersey haphazardly and threw it to one side.  His muscles tensed around his chest and he cleared his throat a couple times before heading to a cardio machine. Lynette gulped. This was torture.

Harry's POV

This was torture.  Lyn had insisted on accompanying him to the gym and Harry was quickly realizing he could not focus on losing himself in the exercise while Lynette stood there in her workout clothes, her trim waist exposed and her hair thrown in a gloriously messy ponytail.  He could feel the sweat running down his back and tossed aside his sweaty clothes all at once. Lynette visibly swallowed and Harry inwardly groaned as he succumbed to a light coughing fit.  This was torture.

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