Breaking News

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"You--she's pregnant?!"

Louis rolled his eyes and clamped his hand over Liam's mouth. "Gee, announce it to the whole hall will you. I don't think everyone in the university heard you." He leaned back and ran a hand through his hair. "She's a really nice girl and we'd been partying together and one thing led to another and--"

Liam blinked rapidly. "You didn't use protection?"

Louis looked deeply offended. "Of course I did. But apparently when they say 97% effective, they mean 3% of the time, we get screwed over."

Liam took a deep breath. "Alright Lou, you want it, right? The baby?"

Louis' expression softened. "Yeah, you know, I want to be there. Be a good father and all."

Liam sighed and patted Louis gingerly. "That's very mature of you, mate. So you've discussed it all with Briana?"

Louis nodded. "Yeah, yeah she's cool. We've met each other's family and all. My mum really wants to help out too."

"So do you plan to tell anyone else anytime soon?"

Louis groaned and buried his face in his hands. "Yeah, I'm just afraid of the reactions. It's a right mess I've made of things, isn't it?"

Liam smiled halfway. "Mate, you're handling it well. And think about it. You're going to be a dad! That's gotta to be a nice thing. Babies are always cute."

Louis lifted his head and seemed to steel himself. "I want to tell only the other lads for now. Just Zayn, Niall, and Harry."

Liam nodded in understanding. "In that case, I'll let you get to it. I won't mention anything until you say so. That good?"

"Thanks, Liam."


"You're serious. My god, Louis you're serious."

"Yeah... I mean, it's not the ideal way to have a kid for the first time, but it's mine. I think I already love it. Zayn, are you okay?"

Zayn had the most conflicted look on his face. "I'm fine, Louis. It's not about you or your baby."

Louis' eyes softened. "I suppose I wish I could fathom settling down with her right now. It'd be so much easier if I had the same thing you have with Perrie, with Briana."

"You don't."  Zayn shook his head sadly.  "We broke the engagement off."

"What?!" Louis stared.

"It's--I just realized I couldn't go through with the wedding. Not right now. And Perrie doesn't deserve anyone who's anything less than one hundred percent committed to marriage. So I called it off. But Lou, you're having a baby!  That's even bigger news."

Louis hugged Zayn. He looked so morose at the mention of his failed relationship. "It's a new chapter in our lives, yeah?  We'll be okay."

He pulled away and saw that Zayn had begun to cry. The sight of it made Louis feel his own eyes well up with tears as well. The stress and shock of becoming a new father to a baby he had yet to see caught up to him and he choked on a sob.

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