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"Dehydration."  Lynette paced around the hospital room--she was becoming all too familiar with the place now-- "Harry, how did you let yourself get dehydrated?"

Harry groaned a little and fiddled with the IV drips he had attached to the back of his hand.  "I forgot, Lyn."

"You forgot?"

Harry sighed, taking a deep breath. "Forgot that people like me lose water and electrolytes faster than everyone else."

Lynette's expression softened and she sat down lightly in the chair beside his bed. "It's just--you scared us. Niall was freaking out, kept going on about the 'bloody traffic' the whole way here.  Funny thing was, the roads were almost clear." She managed to elicit a small smile from Harry.

Then Lynette shuddered as memory of the past few hours flooded back.

The university's emergency health services pushed into the gym and Harry was wheeled out on a stretcher, limp and so, so pale.  She squeezed Hanna's hand so hard at the sight of him that she felt her friend wince (she later apologized) and Niall was beside himself.

The students' loud whispering didn't help either.

Lynette heard one student ask in a not-at-all discreet voice, "is he dead?" before Niall physically dragged her away.

"Come on. We'll go to the university hospital. That's where they'll be taking him."

Harry's hands found hers. "Hey Lyn? I'm sorry."  He ran a hand through his curls. "For scaring you all and, well, everything else."

"What is it?"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Irritability in general. And I haven't been feeling too well lately since coming back. And then there's the spring show auditions coming up..." He trailed off and cleared his throat.


Harry fidgeted a little. "You know, the music department puts on a show at the end of the year featuring students and I've been hoping to perform." He looked annoyed, "and every bloody time I try to work on the song, something like this happens and I can't stay well enough to focus."

Lynette patted his shoulders. "Songs should come from inspiration, you know. Maybe relax a bit and you're talent might come out naturally."  She looked hard at him. "You'd better not be working yourself sick over this. Even singing isn't worth that."

He sat up, dimples appearing as he smiled widely. "You know what? I'll do that.  The lads are playing some football later with some friends. I think I'll text Niall and join them."

Lynette started to protest. "I was thinking more along the lines of physical rest and--" she looked at his dejected expression, "--but yeah, it sounds fun." Harry smiled widely and she added. "I'll be a spectator, cheer you on an all."


"Score!" Harry leapt into the air and pumped his fists. Niall slapped him on the back and high fived the other lads.

Beside Lynette, Hannah cheered and gave Niall a thumbs up.

Harry smiled up to Lynette and mouthed "for you" before running right back into the game.

Unfinished PerfectionWhere stories live. Discover now