Fame and Forevers

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School was starting again and Lynette was finding herself altogether caught up by thoughts of Harry.

This wasn't supposed to happen, she thought wryly. My second term begins in less than a week and I haven't thought about classes once.

It was unlike her, she decided. But it was Harry, and Harry changed a lot of things.

The boys were true to their word and got a hotel very near the hospital. Hanna was keeping Lynette from worrying about anything more serious happening with regular updates on the boy's visits over the phone.

"Harry's getting a little restless over the whole 'keeping him hospitalized for observation', and he's been living quote 'vicariously' through the boys," Lynette could almost picture Hanna's eye roll. "Harry's words apparently. Your boyfriend is something special."

"Ex-" Lynette corrected softly. "Am I crazy? You know, for asking about him still."

"Come on, Lyn. We both know Harry's just thick. And stubborn," Hanna let out a sigh of exasperation. "Kinda like you actually. At most, you guys are on a break, if even that."


Sara was staying over at Lynette's house until the winter break was over and Lynette was enjoying the company very much. It was like having another sister.  They'd have rather long-winded conversations at nights just before they fell asleep as they lay staring up at the decorative stars on the ceiling in Lynette's room.

It was a welcome distraction from the realities of her own life and the topics were really anything and everything.

"You ever wonder about fame? Do you think it's the underlying reason for the the trouble celebrities get into?"

Sara glanced over. "What do you mean?"

Lynette shrugged. "Like, do you think these people would have been involved in parties and scandals if they weren't in the spotlight? Would they have grown up differently?"

It was Sara's turn to shrug. "Our culture really isn't any different. There are parties and scandals going on all the time, but only celebrities make news for it."

"But do you think we enabled them?" Lynette sighed. "Did we just hand them the resources? They have everything they need to royally mess up, you know, money, attention..."

"I think they messed up in spite of fame, really," Sara said finally. "I know all kinds of people who've been in equally big trouble who haven't had any of that attention."

"I hope so," Lynette said pensively. 

The conversation drifted to other topics and landed on personal fears.

Sara spoke hesitantly. "Maybe this sounds weird, but I think I'm afraid of forever. Like the idea of living forever, whether it means heaven or endless reincarnations.  I just--it scares me so much to think that we can never have some end."

Lynette considered a moment. "Forever in many lives or some sort of paradise doesn't seem like such a frightening thing. If anything, you'd have many chances to live and love again."

"It's not that really," Sara said, folding her hands over her chest and exhaling. "It's the fact that this moment right now, would never matter in the scheme of eternity. Nothing could ever mean anything. How could it? You have forever for it to fade into meaninglessness."

"Maybe," Lynette murmured. "But at least we'd have here and now to make meaning."

Sara propped herself up on her elbows. "What're you afraid of then?"

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