Banana Pizza

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Harry did end up staying in the hospital overnight. He came home late Sunday evening and texted Lynette from his dorm asking if she wanted to hang out with him.

Lynette came down to his room a few minutes later and Harry met her at his door, his hair slightly wet.

"The hospital really isn't the best place for showers," he explained, shaking his curls a little and looking at her through the tendrils of hair sticking to his forehead. He'd gotten thinner from his brief stint in the hospital, but Lynette couldn't help but think that he looked quite adorable in that moment.

"Did you want to do something?" Lynette asked after a moment.

Harry waved her inside. "Well, I've just spent a day at the hospital so anything involving normal human interaction sounds good right now. Have you eaten dinner?"

"No, not yet," she answered. "I wake up late most weekends and all my meals get pushed back several hours."

"Good," Harry said. "Ok, not good because you haven't eaten, but good because I was thinking we could go to the Commons Kitchen and make something."

Lynette laughed nervously. "Umm, Harry. This may have never come up in conversation but, I'm really not the best in the kitchen. And by that I mean I've set off smoke alarms making toast, broke the microwave making eggs, and I wear oven mitts going near a stove."

Harry laughed at her sheepish expression. "Alright, let me rephrase that. I was going to make you something and ask for just a little bit of help. Please? Come on! It'll be fun!"

And Lynette didn't think anyone could resist Harry Styles' begging.


"Lynette, I am telling you. Bananas can go on a pizza." Harry stood in front of the cutting board stubbornly holding up a bunch of bananas.

"Harry," Lynette said skeptically. "We're already making banana flavored cupcakes for dessert. Do you really think we need more bananas in our food?"

Harry pulled one banana off the bunch and placed it on the cutting board. "Just one, then. You need to try it, really."

Lynette sighed fondly and commenced dicing the ingredients Harry had picked out. Meanwhile, Harry began rolling out the pizza dough beside her. As if feeling her gaze on him, he looked up and gave her a floury thumbs-up.

"Harry!" she exclaimed, laughing. "You realize you've just coated our toppings in flour." Lynette attempted to dust off her newly diced ingredients, serving only to coat her hands in tomato juice. She flicked some of the juice at Harry and he looked up in mock outrage.

"Lyn, we're going to have tomato-flavored dough if you insist on mixing our ingredients," Harry paused and he seemed to be struck with an idea. "Actually, that doesn't sound quite so bad."

Lynette gave him a weird look. "Harry, I'm pretty sure we get the sufficient tomato taste once we actually spread the sauce on the dough. Now," she said briskly, "Let's hurry up and make this. Your banana, bacon, and sweet pepper pizza is starting to sound appealing."

Harry had finished rolling the dough and leaned over to check on her progress.

"Decorations!" Harry said loudly. He looked like a child on Christmas day as he rushed around gathering up the toppings from her cutting board.

Lynette raised her eyebrows. "You know Harry, few people call placing toppings on a pizza decorating."

"It's decorating the way I do it," Harry turned to her and smiled impishly.

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