Of Charms and Photographs

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The next couple of minutes were a blur. Sometime later, all Lynette could recall were hungry kisses and tight embraces.

Then Harry was dragging her back downstairs and yelling, "Embarrass me all you want Gem--she's falling in love with me!"

Anne smiled at her son and called them all to the kitchen. As Lynette ate an impromptu snack, (Anne insisted that they eat something after their journey), Harry's stepfather came home.

"Lyn, this is Robin, my stepdad," Harry said just after greeting Robin himself.

Robin looked very agreeable and shook hands with Lynette warmly. "Nice to meet you. I've known Harry long enough to know he'll treat you very well." He patted Harry's back and turned his attention to Anne, whom he kissed briefly before sitting down at the table. The atmosphere of the room was light and Lynette enjoyed the relative quiet at the small dinner table.

Harry leaned over, "I'll show you around the place," he whispered softly. He pulled her up and grabbed coats for both of them.

"I'm going to take Lynette out," he called over his shoulder.

Harry's mum called out after him, "Careful darling, mind the cold."

Harry rolled his eyes but nodded at his mother. He took Lynette out to a pasture and grabbed her hand.

"You know, I used to play here as a kid,' he said thoughtfully. "I learned to skip rocks over at that stream in summer."

Lynette giggled a little. "You must be so very proud of that skill."

Harry grinned at her. "I'd teach you, but it looks frozen over now."

Lynette shivered and Harry pulled her close. He continued reminiscing idly. "Back in comprehensive school, my mates and I hung out back here to escape homework and our parents."

"A lot of memories huh?" Lynette said leaning back against a tree.

He nodded silently.

She smiled up at him. "Mind if I add one more?" Before he could respond, she leaned in for a kiss and Harry reciprocated, pushing her roughly against the tree.

They pulled back, both a little breathless, and Harry suddenly started laughing.

"If you told five-year-old me that he'd kiss the most beautiful girl under the tree he used to climb, he'd yell 'cooties' and throw twigs at you."

Lynette burst out in giggles. "That wasn't where I thought you were going with that, but the image of mini-Harry was well worth it."


That night, Lynette laid on the floor of Gemma's room staring up at the pale lavender ceilings.

Gemma leaned over the side of her bed. "Are you sure you don't want to take the bed? I'm more than happy to take the sleeping bag. I mean, you're the guest here."

Lynette shook her head. "No, it's really nice here. It's a very interesting feel of the place, you know? Seeing everything from the ground." She shrugged and turned to look directly at Gemma.

Gemma raised her eyebrows. "I'd never think of that. That's something my brother might say, though." She paused and looked curiously at Lynette for a moment before turning to look up at the ceiling as well.

"You're serious about him, aren't you?" Gemma finally asked.

"He's the most perfect person I know. I wouldn't let him go easily," Lynette answered honestly.

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